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(So this isn't a request I was just trying something with my writing to see how well I am with the whole angst thing😐)
(⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Self harm, suicidal thoughts?, a tiny bit of swearing maybe a lot idk, mentions abuse from friends and family /I am so sorry.\, new and old scars.)
(This is gonna be just friends cause why would romance be involved with this?)

Y/N was sitting on their bed curled up in a ball. Their wrists, stomach, and arms stung. The new and old scars all over their body were stinging horribly. Y/N was in tears. Y/N was brought out of their saddnes by their phone vibrating.

(Start of text messages)
⬛Ranboo⬜: Hey Y/N I'm coming over soon.✌️
✨Y/N✨: Why?
⬛Ranboo⬜: Cause we planned to hangout today? Did you forget?
✨Y/N✨: Yeah I guess I did... Sorry😐 The front doors unlocked so when you get here just come on inside👍
⬛Ranboo⬜: Ok👍 Welp bye✌️
✨Y/N✨: Bye✌️
(End of text messages)

"Sh!t..." Y/N said while getting off their bed. They grabbed a hoodie and put it on.

(Time Skip Brought To You By: Me being in a depressed writing kinda mood)

Ranboo had gotten to Y/N's house and walked inside, he said hello to their parents and walked over to Y/N's room. He knocked on the door. "Come in" Y/N said. Ranboo walked in and saw them. "Isn't it a bit warm for the hoodie and everything?" He asked. "I'm just cold." Y/N responded. "Whatever you say Y/N" Ranboo said while flopping onto their bed. "So what's up with you?" Y/N asked. "Nothing much. What's up with you?" He replied. "Nothing either" Y/N laughed.

The two sat and talked for a while until Y/N's parent's came into the room. "Y/N, were going out for a while. Be good, and don't destroy the house while we're gone" Y/N's mom said. Y/N nodded and the parents left. "Let's go get a snack" Y/N said standing up. Y/N and Ranboo walked into the kitchen. Y/N opened a cabinet and reached for something. Y/N's sleeve fell down just enough for Ranboo to see their wrist. He walked over to them. "Y/N?" He said. "Yeah Ranboo?" Y/N responded. "What's that on your wrist?" He asked. "I don't know. Must've been the cat" Y/N replied. (If you actually have a cat uhhh pretend you don't for this story Okie?) "Y/N you don't have a cat..." He said. "Uh-" Y/N started. "Y/N no. Tell me the truth. Now." He said calmly. "It's nothing really Ranboo" Y/N responded. "No it's really not nothing. There's something there. Now what is it Y/N?" He questioned.

"It's seriously nothing Ranboo" Y/N said. Ranboo pulled up their sleeve to reveal all the scars on their arm. "Why?" He asked. Y/N just stood there silently looking at anything but Ranboo. They couldn't stand to see the look in his eyes. "Y/N... Please tell me why you did this..." He said. Y/N just kept looking at the ground. "Y/N talk to me." Ranboo said. No response. Ranboo kept trying, but nothing. Y/N wouldn't talk anymore. They didn't even move. Y/N's eyes watered. They couldn't tell him why. He wouldn't believe them. No one did.

"Y/N... Please tell me... You can trust me." He spoke softly. Y/N just shook their head and continued to stare at the ground. "Y/N, please. I'm worried about you, no matter what the reason is, I'm not gonna be upset, or not believe you. I just want to know why." He said. "I- Um... Ranboo, can we grab our stuff and then not do this in the kitchen..." Y/N said nervously staring at the front door. "Alright Y/N." He replied, with worry in his tone. They both got snacks, water, and walked back up to Y/M's room and sat down.

"Now that we're here, please tell me why." Ranboo said. "Ranboo... I- I've been dealing with a lot-" Y/N started. "What's been going on? What are you dealing with? Maybe I can help? Oh- sorry... That was rude of me... Please continue" Ranboo said as he rubbed the back of his neck. (Cause I'm writing mother honkers and imma write what I want😤😅) "Well I've been dealing with school, and I've been trying to deal with my friends, and so much you don't know about. It's gotten to much for me Ranboo... I- I didn't know what else to do- I'm sorry" Y/N's eyes watered again and tears fell down their face. The same started to happen to Ranboo. "Y/N... You don't have to be sorry... It's ok. Just talk to me and breath. Tell me anything. Or you can tell me nothing. Whichever you want. I'm always here to help you Y/N." Ranboo said calmly while whipping their tears off their face.

"I-I wanna tell you everything Ranboo... I need someone to talk to about all of this... It's becoming to much..." Y/N cried. "I'm listening, when ever your ready Y/N" he responded with a soft tone. Y/N finally felt safe in their home. After all these years of holding it in, they were gonna tell their bestfriend everything... "Well you know how I used to go to school with bruises?" Y/N started. Ranboo nodded but stayed silent for Y/N to continue talking. "Well that was because of my parents and my friends..." Y/N said paused. Y/N started talking again "they'd hit me a lot or say horrible things about me... And with me having to worry about them all the time, it led to... Well... This." "Y/N I'm so sorry... Why didn't you ever say anything? That's not ok. They shouldn't be able to get away with that... They all hurt you..." Ranboo said. "I know... But no one believes me, well besides you. So I never said anything until now..." Y/N responded.

(After Y/N and Ranboo talk for a little while)

Y/N and Ranboo were laying down on Y/N's bed after hours of talking. (Imma hate myself soon) Y/N have pulled up their sleeves and let Ranboo see all of the scars. He looks sad. Not disappointed, just sad. "Please tell me you'll stop. This isn't good Y/N, just tell me you'll stop eventually." Ranboo said sadly. "I'll try Ranboo." Y/N replied. Y/N left their sleeves rolled up. Ranboo leaned over and trace over the old scars and made sure not to touch the new ones. (Cause that crap HURTS.) Y/N cuddles up to Ranboo and they fell asleep.

(Hey guys I was trying to see what I could write because some of this was hard for me to write, but I hope you enjoyed and I hope everyone is ok. I love you guys💖)

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