Umbrella | Show

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When the sun shines
We'll shine together
Told you I'd be here forever
Said I'll always be your friend
Took an oath, Im'ma stick it out
Till the end

Now that it's rainin'
More than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

~ Rihanna, Umbrella


Nya shivered as the dark clouds rumbled overhead. Starting from right above her, the noise roared and growled till it traveled farther over to the meadows. The guttural rumble was deep and angry as if an infuriated storm god was punishing his servents in the heavens above the gray clouds.

Pitter, patter.

The girl sat huddled on the step that jutted out of the monastery's gate, hugging her knees tighter. The soft pattering of water sounded all around her. Though, she had always welcomed rain as Nature's lullaby, today's events made everything seem dull and annoying.

Pitter, patter.

She lifted her tear-stained face to observe the tiny rain drops that descended from the gray skies in a steady rhythm. Not making much of it, she sighed and buried her head in between her knees once more.

Lightning flashed, splitting the sky for a second before disappearing again. Nya waited for the thunder that would soon follow, ignoring the increase in the speed and the amount of the downpour.

Water seeped through her gi, creating dark spots on the fabric. Her wet ponytail drooped lower from the water that hung from her hair.

In a matter of minutes, the concrete step was completely soaked, becoming dangerously slippery for anyone who came prancing upon it.

But the Master of Water disregarded all these changes in her environment.

Her fight with Kai had led her to come to a crossroad that was split between staying a part of the team or running far away. Both the options had their pros and cons but something inside her tugged her towards the second.

The girl sniffled, trembling in the cold as the fight replayed in her mind.

"Look, you're older than me. I have to respect you. So, I'm politely asking you to stop worrying your head off after me."

"No! I will not stop worrying about you! You know that! Why did you leave the monastery?"

"It was only a little trip to the city. I needed to get a few things for the mech."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Don't raise your voice, Kai!"

"Answer my question!"

"I don't have to tell you everything. I'm seventeen. I'm not a child anymore!"

"Stop being difficult! You're immature and naïve and it's my job to make sure you don't end up in hot water 'cause of it."


Thunder claps followed the sound of the slap the memory played. She didn't know what had come over her. Her hand had just moved of it own accord . . . and she had slapped her brother.

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