The Unbroken Promise | Show

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This chapter is super long so I suggest you make out some free time and then read it. But if you wanna do it on the go then no one's stoppin' ya.

Have some candy! 🍭🍬🍭🍬


I stared at the wooden door with the brass knocker shaped like some sort of reptilian beast, thinking about why I was wasting my time by coming here.

No one could look into your memories. Only you had the power to do that. It might even be harder for the other person to take a sneak peek at your past when even you don't remember it.

If these were my beliefs then why did I believe that such abilities existed?

But then again, I did use to believe that miracles weren't real. I believed that I would never find a home and that was the only thing that broke me down - until I met Wu.

Miracles happened and I got a roof over my head, a caring person to teach me, love me, walls to protect me and a life goal to keep me flying higher. But it was all too good to be true. I was broken, shattered. Harder than ever before. I did the first thing that came into my mind.

I ran away.

If I could see Wu again and thank him for one thing, it would be the fact that he taught me how to be a stronger individual. He taught me how to face the world. With those lessons tucked away in my brain and heart, I ran.

I was ready to challenge life and get the answers I deserve. Why didn't destiny choose me? Why was I not the Green Ninja? Who was I if not that? Where did I come from? Why was I left alone in the world?

Why? Why?! Why?!

There was only one solution to all of this and that was to look back to who I was before I became a useless street rat. Wu once told me that our past selves are only there for us to learn a lesson. It's not who we truly are. But knowing who you were has a huge impact on your future and I wanted to know who I used to be.

I needed to get this settled before I set out on my journey to find the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master. After searching around for possible solutions, I discovered a woman who was said to have psychic powers. She could delve into your memories and play with them.

On request, she could make you forget the ones you hate and make you remember the ones you couldn't recall. You know how you don't remember a single thing from when you were a baby? Well, this woman could make those moments reappear in the active parts of your brain.

I wasn't so sure if this was real or not but I was desperate. I had to know what happened to my parents. Who were they? Whom did I get my powers from? Mom or Dad? Those two words felt weird on my tongue. I never had anyone to call Mom or Dad before.

I was now in the village of Zukana where I was told I would find the mysterious woman. The villagers hesitantly pointed me to her house which was a lonely old shack on a cliff overlooking the village and the rest of the valley below.

I inhaled deeply, taking in the refreshing mountain air before releasing my breath. My fingers twitched as I went through the various potential scenarios I would deal with after setting foot into the house of a clairvoyant.

Slowly, I raised my hand and wrapped my fingers around the cold metal of the knocker, tapping on the door thrice. For a minute nothing happened and I made to knock again but the sound of rustling made me stop.

I could hear light tapping as if someone was quickly clambering down some stone steps. That was odd. I gazed up at the house and frowned as it was clear that there were no upper floors. Maybe I misunderstood the sound.

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