Guardian Angel | Show

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Lloyd yelped as he rolled out of the way. The mangled, airborne bike missed him by a few inches and went crashing into the building behind him. Smoke erupted and debris littered the roads. Lloyd growled, eyes locked on the rocky giant. The creature roared and tore a nearby street lamp out of the cement, analyzing the ninja as its potential target.

Lloyd barrelled through the mass of screaming people who were running for safety. The giant reared its arm and got ready to hurl the pole. Lloyd barely had time to slide in front of a woman holding a wailing baby and form a pulsing energy shield that repelled the street lamp.

"Go, go, go!" he frantically yelled back at the mother while simultaneously bombarding the earthy monster with green spheres. They seemed to put the creature on edge. It charged at Lloyd, leaving craters in the ground below as it advanced.

Before it could crush the ninja, a solid wall of earth grew up between them. Lloyd shot a grateful glance at Cole. His stunt had provided enough time for the Green Ninja to move away from the line of attack. He snuck around the thundering beast and arrived at Cole's side.

"I think it's got rocks for brains too," the earth ninja commented. The giant was punching and beating the rock wall, trying to get through instead of moving around it.

"That's good enough for us," Lloyd replied, before activating his comlink. Static crackled and he voiced his strategy. "Zane, Nya, freeze up the legs and prevent it from moving. Me and Cole will attack and try to break it apart. Kai and Jay, you guys control the perimeter. Keep the crowds back."

Shouts of agreement sputtered back and Lloyd gave Cole a nod. Domes of ice had already started forming at the giant's feet. Cole growled and willed a relatively large piece of the broken pavement to fly at the creature. It was too busy raging at the ice and didn't see it coming. The projectile struck its arm and the stone appendage ripped off and crashed to the ground.

Lloyd tried his best to keep it distracted with his energy spheres while the others worked. He noticed a pit at the side of road with construction equipment lining it. He didn't think there was a better way to take out Rock Brains.

"Cole!" he yelled, dodging a swipe of the giant's unsevered arm. "Do an earth punch and send it into that pit over there!"

Lloyd could hear Zane shouting out to the Master of Earth to wait for the right moment when he froze the legs. Even though he had appointed Jay and Kai for the safety of the civilians, he still took part in evacuating the streets. In the heat of the situation, Lloyd heard a strained cry nearby.

"Help me, please!"

Twisting around, he saw a girl on the destroyed sidewalk. She was wearing all black. Her head was completely covered with a black beanie, not revealing a single wisp of her hair. Her face was concealed with a mask but Lloyd could still see the pain in her eyes. Her leg seemed to be caught under a block from the damaged building. She tried to pull but wailed in agony when it wouldn't come free.

"Stop!" Lloyd ordered, preventing the girl from hurting herself. "I'm coming, hold on!"

Either it was a coincidence or his lucky stars were out. Lloyd had barely taken a few strides forward when a cacophony of "Look out!" burst through his comlink. He didn't have time to comprehend anything. The world behind him shook, throwing him off balance. He fell face-first to the ground but scrambled around quickly.

The rocky creature lay there on its back, unmoving. Turned out, it had taken an aim for him instead of the pit when Cole had performed the punch. Lloyd hissed out a swear word, dazed by his sharp escape. He would've been crushed flat if it hadn't been for the . . .

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