Quidditch and Prophecies | Harry Potter AU

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I've been wanting to write a Harry Potter au since ever! Using the information I had of each of the Ninja's personality, I put them through the sorting hat quiz to sort them into the different houses. The results were a switch between only two houses.

However, I was half shocked and half amused when Lloyd would continuously end up in Slytherin despite me using many different quiz websites.....


Lloyd lobbed his broomstick at the nearest wall of the Gryffindor common room in rage. The Nimbus Two Thousand collided with a low oak table and clattered to the carpeted floor, its bristles in a disarray. With a sweep of his scarlet and gold Quidditch robes, Lloyd stomped over to an armchair farthest from the discarded broom. He sat down with a huff and glanced sourly at his shoes.

He heard someone tutting and looked up to see Cole rushing over to the Nimbus and picking it up. He neatly placed it against the wall so that it no longer lay in disgrace. The dark-haired fifth year directed an indignant look at Lloyd who rolled his eyes and continued glaring at his shoes.

"Don't take your anger out on the broom, Lloyd," Cole said with the air of a mother who has perpetually banned her older child to bully the younger.

"Yeah, don't beat yourself up about it," came another voice from the portrait hole. Kai was climbing in through the entrance, a slight, forced smile on his lips. "We can't expect you to catch the Snitch every single time, you know."

He would've matched Cole and Lloyd in terms of attire if he hadn't taken off his Quidditch robes, revealing the red t-shirt he always wore underneath. His usually styled and immaculate brown hair were ruffled up from flying around on his broom.

And for pulling on them out of frustration when we lost, Lloyd thought, remembering how loud Kai had cursed when Morro had caught the Snitch, declaring Slytherin the winner. It was a good thing none of the teachers heard him otherwise Gryffindor would've lost many points along with the match.

Lloyd was grateful Cole and Kai were not sulking as much as him. It was his fault they had lost and it was only his right to feel bad. At least, that's what felt appropriate to him.

"Seliel is going to kill me," he muttered, more to himself than his friends. "Better find a closet to hide in and write a will."

Kai pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded admittedly as if it were obvious. "Yep, we all know the safety protocol when Seliel is provoked." Lloyd pretended not to notice when Cole elbowed Kai and frowned at him.

One would think he did it because he didn't want Lloyd to feel worse but the blonde knew it was to express his disagreement on the accusation that Seliel was a control-freak shark with pink-dyed hair, a teal highlight and swan shaped ear studs.

Cole Brookstone, a Beater for Gryffindor, had somewhat of a crush on the team's tenacious captain. Seliel Emerson, who played as one of the three Chasers, was the only female captain in the current four house teams and was the fourth girl to lead a Quidditch team in the history of Hogwarts. Her being a girl captain and her obstinate attitude made her a target of much criticism. Seliel always seemed oblivious to it but Cole never liked the words thrown at her.

Kai, stepping away from the dark-haired boy, understood why he really received the elbow. "Captain's pet," he mumbled, making Lloyd smile a little.

"Look you can't blame Seliel for being a little angry," Cole put in, shrugging. "You know how she gets whenever we compete against Slytherin. Losing to them is nothing short of a calamity for her."

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