Catch A Cute Guy By The Toe | AU

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So, there was a screenshot of a prompt in the Jaya discord chat and the whole conversation it held was kind of super cute and we thought, "Let's Jaya-fy this!"

I took on the arduous task of turning it into fanfiction and so here we are. Thank you to Dissmisery for sharing that prompt with me and for helping a little bit with the backstory.

This is an AU so the Ninja are not actually. . . um, ninjas.


Jay had never been in a worse situation. He should've known that anything involving a dare from Cole and Zane would end up in a disaster and 'end up in a disaster' it did.

Not only had he almost got caught toilet-papering a classmate's house but his foot had also failed at working as a foot which caused him to sprain his ankle while hightailing it out of there.

The dare was simple: "I dare you to toilet paper Morro's house."

"What? I'm not doing that! He'll kill me if he finds out!"

"Come on! It's perfect for revenge. The guy has been nothing but a jerk to us all year. This is our chance to get back at him."

Jay had reluctantly agreed, partly because of all the rotten things Morro had done to him and his friends and partly because it sounded kind of cool to be roaming around at night and chucking TP rolls at a bully's wreck of a house.

But what wasn't cool was limping in the dark in a sketchy neighborhood and cursing his lazy self for not charging his phone so that he could at least contact Cole to come get him.

"This sucks," he hissed, glowering at his reflection on the black screen of his cell phone. He put his injured foot down to rest his stiff leg but it only ached worse than before and so tears sprang up in his eyes.

Jay had no option but to lean heavily against a telephone pole and wait for someone to pass by. Which didn't seem like a possibility because it was pretty late for anyone to be out in this rough locality anyway.

"Bad luck, Jay. Bad luck," he whispered sourly at himself.


"Dad, do I really have to go with you on this patrol?" Kai Smith grumbled as he yanked open the door to the passenger seat of his father's cop car.

Ray directed a warm smile at another officer at the door of the station before climbing inside the vehicle. He started up the car and gestured for his son to get in. Kai scoffed and seated himself next to his father. He gave him a side-glance.

"You didn't answer my question, Dad?" he tried again. "I could actually be doing something more fun like watching Ready Player One with Lloyd and Nya."

Ray shook his head, crossing the gates of the station and pulling onto the main street. "I brought you here to let you have a first-hand experience of police work. Isn't that what we decided to do during your summer break from school?"

"It's what you decided, Dad," Kai rolled his eyes. "From my vantage, police work is an extremely boring thing to have a 'first-hand experience' of. Now, if you're talking about racing–"

Ray frowned, adopting the countenance of a tired soldier who had fought many crusades in his lifetime. "Being an officer is a very noble profession. You're risking your life to keep the world safe, kiddo. It's always an honor to die a hero's death."

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