Avengers x reader
Coulson and Fury
Warnings: none
Word count: 588
Summary: "I can't be held responsible for what my face does when you talk."
Authors Note: based off of prompt, longer than I thought it would be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
"That mission was fun" Y/n said walking next to Tony and Thor with excitement.
"Well glad you enjoyed it because we got another one for you." Fury said as they all entered the conference room.
"When do we leave?" Y/n asked excitedly walking up to the table. The Avengers smiled at the fact that she has enthusiasm about what they do. She's a great addition to the team.
"Tomorrow at o'eighthunderd hours" Fury responded.
"That long!" Tony and Y/n whined out, both of them popping their hips out to their sides giving maximum attitude.
"Don't you want a break?" Agent Coulson asked the two, as they sat down on the nearby chairs.
"Mmmm, not really." Tony answered shaking his head slightly. Picking up the file and looking through it.
Coulson and Fury looked at each other and gave the 'ok then' look.
After talking about the mission. An where we had to go for it, and how we were gonna get there.
Also Tony and Bruce were researching the whole time. So they found new information. And of course they, well mostly Tony corrected Fury almost every few seconds.
Thor, Clint and Y/n had a hard time containing their laughter. Although Nat kept smacking them on the arm.
"So is that it?" Y/n questioned looking around the room to see if anyone had anything else to say.
"Yeah" Fury stood up.
"Really?" Y/n tilted her head to the side squinting her eyes.
"How come every time I say something it's never enough for you?" Fury asked, not believing that again she wasn't happy with the amount of information given.
"Uh that's because she's a honorary Stark. And we're never impressed by anyone but ourselves, at least not most of the time. Ain't that right?" Tony nodded to Y/n looking at Fury.
"Mhmm" Y/n nodded in agreement.
"That's why she can be annoying, sarcastic, self-centered-" Rhodey started but got cut off by Y/n who looked appalled.
"I am not self centered-"
"Ok yes that I guess you're not-" Rhodey tried again although this time agreeing with her.
"Yeah I'm not. Annoying, on purpose and sarcastic, yes very much so." Y/n stated listing the things she is and why.
"I see" Fury said understanding what Rhodey meant.
"I think she's always been that way" Coulson stated to his boss. Fury looked at him and nodded agreeing that, that is probably true. When they looked back Tony and Y/n both are giving the two looks that seemed to be shocked, appalled, and upset.
"Wha-what's that?" Coulson asked pointing
"What's what?" Y/n questioned him the looks not flattering.
"That" He pointed between the two.
"What?" Tony asked. Then he turned his head to Y/n to look at her to ask. "Do you know what he's talking about?"
"No, no I do not" She answered looking back at Tony before the two looked at Coulson again
"What's with the expressions, on your faces?" Coulson elaborated, hoping to get a straight answer from the two. Since let's be honest the look was creeping him out a little bit.
"Oh he means the look on our faces" Tony explained turning to Y/n again.
"Oh, does he? Well, I can't be held responsible for what my face does when you talk." Y/n stated looking at Coulson with a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.
"See" Tony got up and pointed towards Y/n. "Stark. Told you."