No - Peter Parker

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Peter Parker x reader

Tony Stark x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 355

Summary: Peter trying to convince Tony to let him date his daughter a.k.a the reader

Authors Note:


"Mr.Stark please just listen" Peter asked following Tony up the stairs to his office.

"No" Tony stated

"But Mr.Stark-" Peter tryed again

"No" Tony stated again

"Can you just hear me out?" Peter begged trying to keep up with Tony

"Peter. NO." Tony turned to him and made his answer clear

"But why not?!" Peter asked frustrated

"Peter-" Tony started but got cut off by Peter

"No. No, now you listen to me. Sir, please." Peter started strong but felt his feeling his confidence fading a little. "Uh, ok. You won't let me even ask you if I can date Y/n and you won't even let me explain why I want to. You just either ignore me or flat out say no. I want to know why. Besides that fact that she's your daughter."

"Her being my daughter is the only reason I need! Peter look I like you, your a great kid and honestly, I think you two would be good together." Tony explained before taking a deep breath. Then continued "but! If you two were to ever break up if I chose your side or keep contact with you she could see it as me choosing you over her. And as much as I wish I could choose both if that happened, I can't. Would always choose my daughter's side."

Peter sighed, he understood where Tony was coming from. But he had to try "Mr.Stark please, just give us a chance. Please, just give me and y/n a chance. I love her and she loves me. Please just give us a chance."

Tony looked at Peter. He trusts him with Y/n's life and his life. Maybe they wouldn't have a bad break up if they ever do break up. But Tony thinks there is a possible chance there could be a wedding in the two's future. "Fine. I just hope it doesn't end badly if at all." Tony sighed before entering his office.

Once Peter processed what Tony said he looked at the door to Mr.Starks office then smiled and fist bumped the air whisper-yelling "YESSSSS!"

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