Courage - Peter Parker

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Peter Parker x reader

Tony Stark x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,148

Summary: reader and Peter have crushes on eachother but neither say anything. Even though all the avengers ship them together

Authors Note: just something that I came up with in the middle of class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"I don't think anyone's gonna notice Nat." I looked at her through the mirror. She's curling my hair for my dads party tonight.

"Are you kidding, EVERYONE's gonna ntice. Especially Peter." she teased with a little smirk. Of course she would tease me about my crush. Everyone says that he likes me back. But no way am I gonna make the first move. I'm a very out there person but not with that. I mean I flirt like theres no tomorrow but I'm not gonna make the first move.

"Nat" I whined out at her. Pleading with my eyes.

"Okay. I know, I know but you two would be so cute together." she explained finishing my hair, moving on to my makeup.

Which I could do myself but I like when Nat does it. Spending time with her is like having a big sister.

"There, all done." She said after spending probably close to 20 minutes on my makeup.

As we exited my room and headed to the party. Not stopped to talk to Clint so I went on ahead.

Once in the mainroom I saw all the Avengers. There scattered all around the room.

I myself being an Avenger. Which at first my father Tony did not like and was reluctant to even let me meet the others. But over time, he changed his mind and came around.

# # #

3rd p.o.v

Nat and Clint watched as Y/n joined the party. Making her way over to Thor and Steve.

"You did a good job Nat" he said looking at Y/n's makeup and hair

"Thanks I wanted her to look amazing tonight" Nat said smiling at Clint in pride

"Peter coming?" Clint asked looking around for him

"Yup" she answered looking around to. Scanning the room with her eye's.

"They would be so cute together. Even Tony ships it" Nat tripped her head looking at Y/n with a smile, at the fact that even her dad wants them together that he approves.

"What's-whats that mean? Ship?" Clint asked not understanding. He turned to face Nat

"He wants them together, he approves. Basically he wants them together." she explained

"Then why not just say that" he replied annoyed.

"Because it's shorter" she said with a smirk looking at him.

"It's stupid. And it makes me feel. . .old" Clint shifted

"Your not that old." Nat scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah. So where's the kid?" Clint turned back to facing the room

"He should be here soon." she estimated because the kid got picked up by Happy.

"Let's just hope one of them gets enough courage to ask the other out." Clint stated before entering the main room doorway and headed over to the bar.

# # #

After a few more minutes Peter walked in and looked around immediately for Y/n.

Once he found her, he started to make his way over to her.

But before he could make it all the way over to her Mr.Stark walked over to him.

"Peter" Tony said making his way over to him

"Hello Mr.Stark" Peter greeted holding his hand out. As Tony grabbed it he wrapped his other arm around Peters shoulders.

"So Peter how was the ride over here?" Tony asked dragging him over towards the bar.

"Good Mr.Stark-" Peter started but got cut off

"How many times do I need to tell you to call me Tony." he said as they arrived at the built in bar that Tony got for times like these always having parties.

"Sorry Mr.Star-Tony." Peter corrected himself

"So kid you want a drink?" Tony asked looking Peter

"No I'm not old enough-" Peter stuttered out

"No kid,I meant soda, water, something." Tony cut him off

"Soda, Sir." Peter told him

"Soda for the spider-boy" Tony told the bartender

"Spiderman" Peter corrected softly

"Anyway, Peter do you remember what we talked about?" Tony asked, once Peter nodded Tony continued "Good. So tonight you uh you gonna do it?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, good ok well I'll leave you to it. See you later Peter." tony said before leaving Peter with his drink. An walking over to a group of people that Bruce and Rhodey are with.

Peter walked over to where Y/n is.

"Once Peter go to her Thor and Steve patted her shoulder as they walked away and Thor patted Peter on the back. Which that might have been a little to hard because it caused Peter to stumble into Y/n. Making both of them lose balance.

"Sorry" Peter said as they gained their balance

"It's fine Pete." Y/n spoke in a soft tone

After staring at each other for awhile Peter realized his hands are on her hips. But neither of the two knew if they should move or not.

Y/n is completely fine with where his hands are. Although she's sure she's blushing.

Peter liked holding her against him like this but he isn't sure how she feels about it, and what about Mr.stark?

"Get a room!" Tony yelled across the room at the two teenagers.

Both teenagers pulled apart fast realizing that some people were watching them.

Both of their faces turning red like crazy.

"You want to sit?" Y/n asked Peter hoping to take away the awkwardness now in between them

"Yeah" Peter nodded as they moved over to the couch that wasn't occupied.

Hours pasted and the two couldn't stop talking.

"I have something I wanted to talk to you about. In private." Peter interlaced his hand and Y/n's. Then they headed off to what seemed like the hallway to the roof.

Once up the staircase. And settled on the roof they sat down on edge of the building.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Y/n looked at Peter raising her eyebrows

"I don't want to ruin our friendship. But I can't keep being around you without knowing if you feel the same" Peter rambled on sitting next to her.

"Did-did I do something wrong?" Y/n asked nervously looking anywhere but him. Hoping that she can keep the tears at bay.

"No, no, no. You didn't do anything wrong. I-I didn't mean it like that,not like it's a bad thing". Peter grabbed her face in his hands, making her look at him. "I meant that I-uh I. I like you. Like, like like you. Maybe even love. I've felt this way for a long time now and I just can't keep it a secret-"

Y/n cut him off by leaning forward really fast and planting her lips on his. The kiss was full of passion from both participants.

"I like like, maybe even love you too. Have for a while." Y/n giggled.

Meanwhile downstairs Tony, Nat, Clint, Steve, Thor basically all the Avengers were in Tony's office watching the security cameras.

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