Support - Peter Parker

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Peter x Fem!reader

Warnings: sadness?

Word count: 250

Summary: Comforting Peter after Tony died.

Authors Note: Kinda a little sad but I really liked this one. Short but I really like it and enjoyed writing it.

It had been a hard few days but it made it all feel real today. Tony's funeral was hard on everyone that came. Y/n knew Peter was gonna be one of the worst that took it to heart. He was so close with Tony it was to be expected.

"I don't know what to say, and even if I did I don't believe I'd know the right words." Y/n walked along the dock to where Peter was sitting at the end of. Dangling his feet off the edge. She approached him silently, she didn't know what to say. But she wanted to try, or at least let him know she was there for him.

Peter reached out behind him for Y/n's hand. Peter pulled her to sit down next to him. The pair sat in silence for a while before Peter eventually spoke.

"Thank you." he spoke breaking the silence between them. Peter felt so lucky to have her in his life.

Y/n tilted her head in confusion, not knowing why he would be thanking her. "For what?"

Peter squeezed her hand that he was holding, he pulled gently to get her to move closer to him. So they were completely touching, he smiled at her gratefully. "Being here. Just being here."

Y/n nodded smiling back at him and squeezing his hand back. Y/n leaned over a bit and kissed his suit clad shoulder. "I'll support you through this Peter. Any way I can."

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