Are You Tired? - Bucky Barnes

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Bucky Barnes x reader

Warnings : none

Word count : 968

Summary: "are you tired? Here I'll carry you the rest of the way" after a long mission


"How far is the ship?" y/n asked frustratedly

"Still aways away." Bucky answered trying not to smile at the y/h/c-ed girl beside him

"Ugh, why did Clint and Steve have to land so far away?" y/n groaned as they kept trudging up the steep hill.

"I don't know doll." he chuckled. Bucky looked over to check on her noticing that she had stopped. Seeing her hold her side bent over trying to catch her breath. He saw how many agents she took down and how many hits she took. "Are you tired? Here I'll carry you the rest of the way."

"You don't have to carry me Bucky." y/n laughed lightly, shaking her head but her face looked more nervous than anything. Which Bucky could tell from the way her smile didn't light up her whole face.

"I want to Doll, plus you took out more Hydra agents than me and took more hits." he pushed trying to get her to see he's not just doing it to make the trip to the jet faster or anything. Knowing she would feel bad or uncomfortable if she thought he was.

She shook her head not wanting to give in "still you've got to be tired to and hurting-"

"Doll, I told you. I want to carry you." Bucky stated looking her in the eyes with a somewhat serious face, but also with the hint of a smile which she can never say no to.

With that Y/n gave in, letting Bucky help her onto his back. Glad that the blood and dirt on her face is covering her cheek's so he wouldn't be able to see her blush. Having a crush on the person you are paired with most for missions, can have its downfalls. Y/n and Bucky have clicked since the moment they were introduced by Steve. Little does y/n know a certain super soldier with a metal arm feels the same way.

^ ^ ^

"What took you two so long?" Steve stood at the top of the ramp up in the Quinn Jet. Looking down on the two as they got closer.

"Maybe next time don't land our getaway so damn far." y/n sassed Steve as she ducked so her head wouldn't hit the roof. Since being on Bucky's back puts her up high in the air.

"So, did you force the poor man to carry you y/n/n/?" Clint joked as he saw the two before heading over to the pilot's seat.

"No, Clint I did not." she said back, getting down from Bucky's back with a slight blush on both of there cheek at Clint's comment.

"I offered and she tried refusing but she was tired. I wanted to. She eventually gave up arguing with me about it and let me." Bucky added to y/ns defense. Nodding to her with a small smile before moving over to stand next to Steve where he pushed the button for the ramp to come up so they can head back to the Avengers compound.

"You just gave in? Since when do you just give in?" Clint teased once y/n sat down in the co-pilot seat for the ride back.

"Since he made a good point and I am tired." y/n told him hoping to dismiss the conversation

"Or is it that you gave in because you like super soldier number two?" Clint asked with a cocky smile. Loving to tease her about her crush on the ex-winter soldier.

"Clint, quite. They might hear." she tried to shush the archer, looking back really quick to see how close the two men are to her and Barton only to lock eyes with Bucky.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Clint asked quieter after seeing how anxious y/n got. Feeling a little bad, but just a little.

"You know why." y/n looked down playing with her torn suit

"Yeah, I do. If it helps, I'm rooting for you." Clint smiled at her, just trying to cheer her up and show he supports her.

If only the two piloting knew what was being said in the other conversation going on.

"So, was she really tired or did you just want to carry her Buck?" Steve coughed trying not to smile too big

"She was and is tired. She took down more agents and took more hits than me. . . and maybe I thought it was a good excuse to carry her." Bucky nodded looking back at her when she sits next to Clint and locked eyes with her. When she turned back to continue talking to Clint Bucky turned back to Steve.

"Buck you haven't been this into a girl since before you joined the army. And after everything that's happened you deserve someone like y/n." Steve couldn't be happier for his best friend. Well, when the two actually get together he will be even happier, if there even is a happier.

"Steve I'm not exactly the ladies man I use to be." Bucky sighed messing with his metal hand.

"There's no doubt in my mind or any one of the others that she would say anything but yes." Steve stated hoping it reassures him. Every single one of the Avengers agree that they would be good together and for eachother. Plus its obvious that they both like eachother.

"Really?" Bucky said quickly turning his head to look at y/n really quick before looking back at Steve.

"Yeah. You need to go for it Buck." Steve placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Giving it a tight squeeze and a smile that said go for it.

"I think I will." Bucky nodded returning the smile before setting his sights on y/n. Repeating under his breath 'I will'.

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