Bracelet - Peter Parker Part 1

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Peter x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 559

Summary: Peters worried about the reader when she's going on a mission alone

Authors Note: this will have a part 2


"You can't be serious" Peter exclaimed chasing after Y/n as she got her weapons for a mission she's about to go on. Alone.

"Well I am" Y/n responded putting her knives in their compartments. She couldn't understand why Peter was freaking out ever since Fury came by asking her to take this mission.

"You could get hurt" he stressed, ready to pull his hair out. When Y/n looked up at him, she could see he was really worried about her going out on this mission.

"I know. Trust me." she stood up straight looking right at him.

"I trust you, but I am aloud to be concerned." Peter stated she could tell how serious he was about what he was saying when she saw he wasn't smiling like usual.

"I know Peter, I know I could get hurt. It's in the job description and yes you can be concerned. I love that you care about me and worry about me. But you got to let me do this. I mean you don't really have a say but I do want you to be ok with it and I don't want to fight about it." Y/n nodded. She could relate to what he's feeling, it's how she feels when he does missions. Alone or not. Even if he is Spiderman.

"I'm trying. I know you can take care of yourself, I believe in you. Just be careful, ok?" he sighed fealing defeated. There was noway he was gonna get her to give the mission to someone else.

"I'll be careful and if I need you I'll press the button on the bracelet you gave me." she smirked giving him a smug look. Peter never told her everything he added to the bracelet that he made for her, so hearing that she found out about a couple. Let's just say he was nervous about her reaction.

"You- You know about that?" Peter looks at her sheepishly, scratching his neck.

"Yeah. I was admiring it and I found the sensor on the inside." Y/n smiled loving how much he was embarrassed about her knowing the secret behind her gift.

"Can I just say that I only added those in the bracelet because I love you." he stated giving her a small nervous smile.

"Peter, chill." she laughed a little but felt bad for how nervous her boyfriend got.

"You're not mad?" he asked looking at her worriedly.

"No. When I figured out what they were for...honstely I think it's sweet. The button so if I need help you know and you can come help me. The sensor so if I'm hurt or something is wrong and I can't push the button you'll know an can send help or come find me." Y/n softened her features. Honestly, she thought it was really sweet that Peter cared that much about her to add those things in.

Peter sighed in relief "Well I'm glad you're not mad about it. And that was what I was thinking when I added those to the bracelet."

"I'll be back tonight, ok?" Y/n leaned upon her toes to kiss his cheek before having to leave towards the hanger.

Peter still couldn't help but feel worry. He knows Y/n can handle herself but he still doesn't want to see her hurt.

(to be continued)

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