Avengers & Family - Peter Parker

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(Christmas Eve Imagine)

Peter Parker x Stark reader (Fem!reader)

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,325

Summary: Y/n invites Peter and May to her dad's Avengers only +Happy and Families Christmas party at the compound.

Authors Note: Merry Christmas Everyone hope you have a great night and day. Happy Holidays To Everyone!

"How long till May get's here?" Y/n asked laying on her side against peter's chest on the couch.

"Should be soon." Peter answered glancing at the clock. "Why?"

"I have something I want to ask the both of you." Y/n told him nuzzling into his side and wrapping her arms tighter around his torso.

"What is it?" peter asked rubbing her back, curious as to what she'd have to ask him and Aunt May.

"I want to ask the two of you together." she stated smiling at how his voice was holding back how curious she knew he was.

"Wha- Why won't you just tell me?" Peter's voice whined a bit. They always told eachother everything right away. Why wouldn't she just tell him now.

"Cause I want to wait for May. It evolves her to." Y/n explained trying not to laugh at her boyfriend.

Peter groaned throwing his head back against the back of the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "Now that's all I'm gonna think about!"

Y/n giggled at his behavior. Peter's not used to her withholding information from him. But what she wanted to ask the two involved both her boyfriend and his Aunt. So he'd have to wait.

The young couple tried to watch some TV, but Peter kept asking her to just tell him. Each time she told him he'd have to wait, laughing at his lack of patience. Luckily enough for him, May came home.

"Oh thank Go-Goodness!" peter yelled,changing the last word with a single look from his Aunt.

"Hi, May." Y/n greeted May, all the while laughing at Peter's reaction to his Aunt finally being home. Y/n moved to sit up on her own while Peter moved to also sit upright on the couch.

"Hello, Y/n and Peter?" May Greeted Y/n back, looking confused towards her nephew's behavior.

"Now can you tell us?" Y/n turned to face Peter with raised eyebrows, amused and shocked. "What?" Peter asked not ashamed.

"She just got home. Why don't we give her a minute." Y/n suggested, trying to give May a mintue to relax.

"What's wrong with him?" May asked pointing at her nephew as she came into the livingroom, sitting across from the pair in a chair.

Peter sat up fats at her question,pointing at Y/n. "She has been making me wait for 42 minutes!"

"I wanted to ask the both of you something, together." Y/n defended amused at her boyfriends' actions.

With her words, Peter dramatically sighed falling back onto the couch next to Y/n. Both Y/n and May weren't used to Peter being dramatic like this, but it was amusing.

"What'd you want to ask, sweetheart?" May spoke turning her attention to focus on the kind girl she had gotten to know over the last couple of years.

"My father is having a Christmas party. It's just the Avengers and their families. I asked him if I could invite the two of you and he said he already planned on it." Y/n told them smiling in hopes that May would say yes.

"Can we go?" Peter asked after some silence.

"Yeah. we'd love to." May nodded smiling.

Y/n's face lit up at the fact that they would come. She was hoping that they would but she also would understand if they didn't. Y/n knew from personal experience how intimidating her family could seem. "Yay! It's casual, you both can even bring pajamas for later in the night as well. You both can sleepover as well."

"Ok. Tell your father- Tony thank you for inviting us." May thanked the very happy girl.

"I will." she nodded with a big smile.

"Thanks, May." Peter gave his Aunt a grateful look.

Peter stood up offering Y/n his hand, she took it and the two moved across the apartment towards Peter's room. Before they completely entered his room Y/n stopped turning to look at may who was starting dinner. "Oh, Happy will be there too. Just FYI." Y/n smirked at the blush that came across the older woman's face.

^ ^ ^

"Hey!" Y/n greeted running over towards the doorway, greeting May and Peter as they walked in. Hugging the both of them happily. "I'm so glad you both could make it."

"Yes. It's great to have you here with us May, Peter." tony came up behind his daughter, also greeting the two. SMiling, glad that they indeed decided to come tonight.

"Thank you for having us, Mr.Stark." May thanked the billionaire for having them. It has been just her and Peter for so long and it has been nice and enjoyable. But this could be the start of a new tradition. A nice one. A family.

"Tony, Please." he told her waving off formalities. May gave a nod before Tony lead her more into the room with everyone else.

"Come on. I want to show you something." Y/n smiled excitedly grabbing Peter's hand. Dragging him off to look at all the distractions.

As the night went on it just got more fun. Everyone was joking and laughing with eachother. It was a comfortable setting. Tony had hired some of the best chefs in New York to make a bunch of food for everyone. An it was all delusions. Everyone had at least one gift to open around the tree that night, curiosity of Tony and Pepper. So everyone gathered around the Christmas tree to open presents. After presents, they all got seated around to watch some holiday movies, with the fire crackling in the background.

Peter and Y/n were cuddled up next to eachother on the floor in front of one of the couches. Y/n was leaning back between Bucky's legs and peter between Bucky and Clint's legs. Unlike her father Y/n and Bucky had gotten really close, practically like siblings and Clint had always been like an Uncle since he met the girl. It's the father in him. Y/n angled her head up to whisper in Peter's ear. "My dad has given May her own room for the night, right next to Happy's."

"What about me?" Peter asked pulling her closer by the waist.

"Well, you already have your own room here but dad said you could stay in mine. With me." Y/n whispered in his ear, trying to be discreet.

"Really?" Peter's voice was a tone of shock. Normally Tony Was very strict with them. Y/n being his daughter and all Tony is a very protective dad. Pepper had been trying to get him to lighten up on the young couple and maybe he was or it is just a Christmas miracle.

"He said no funny business and he'd make sure friday tells him if there is. But there won't be. He trusts us more than he lets on." Y/n nuzzled into Peter's side. "Plus we'd never do anything with this many people in the compound. We're both to loud for that." she whispered smirking against his neck.

"And we don't need to hear that." Clint bent down between the to whisper as well, teasing the young adults.

"Agreed. And if we do hear anything I'll never let either of you live it down." Bucky added him and Clint smirking at eachother. Both adults enjoy teasing them.

Y/n and Peter laughed despite the teasing from the pair. Y/n lightly hit Bucky in the leg and shoved Clint's. But despite that, they were smiling. Peter mirrored her facial expression before pulling her in for a kiss. "Merry Christmas, Y/n."

"Merry Christmas peter." Y/n smiled pulling him into a kiss. Of course, Clint and Bucky were making kissing noises behind them quietly so no one would notice. At least they were being discrete about it. Which the two appreciated. It was a very merry and enjoyable Christmas.

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