Bracelet - Peter Parker Part 2

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Peter x reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 495

Summary: Reader hasn't come back yet and Peter is worried

Authors Note: last part


"Why isn't she back yet?" Peter asked pacing

"Calm down-" Steve tried to help

"I'm not gonna calm down its almost noon and she said she'd be back last night." Peter stressed

"Kid, I think you need to get some rest-" Tony tried to intervene. Knowing all the stress Peter was in isn't good for him.

"I tryed. I can't sleep, not with her out there and not knowing if she's ok or not." he sighed sitting down on the couch putting his head in her hands.

"Didn't you put some stuff in the bracelet you gave her? You'd know if she wasn't ok." Clint suggested

"It could've fallen off" Peter mumbled

"Peter you showed it to us and I can tell you with that clasp it ain't falling off." Nat told the young boy. Resting her hand on his back, rubbing it trying to soothe him.

"It'll be ok-" Peter tryed nodding, hoping their right.

"What's that beeping?" Bucky asked, not meaning to have cut off the boy.

"She pushed the button! I need to go help her!" Peter jumped up, looking on his watch seeing the flashing alert. He connected the two. When he made the bracelet.

"We'll come help." Steve said standing up to

"Do you know where she is?" Tony asked

"I may have also put in a tracker in the bracelet. But she doesn't know about that." Peter mumbled, looking down at his feet biting his lip.

And with that, they all headed to the Quinn Jet.

^ ^ ^

"Where is she?" Peter asked anyone and no one in particular, looking around all the rubble.

"Peter?" Y/n groaned weakly

"Y/n! Hey, oh thank God your ok." Peter rushed over to where he heard her voice come from and so did the others.

"Well I'm alive I don't know about ok" Y/n smiled at him the best she could

"What? What's wrong?!" Peter instantly cupped her neck and held on to her shoulder, looking her over.

"Pete, relax ok. It's not life-threatening. Just a couple cracked ribs, spranged ankle and I think my shoulders dislocated." Y/n grabbed his wrist and squeezed it in reassurance.

"Oh sorry-" Peter apologized letting go of her shoulder

"No, not that shoulder." Y/n shook her head

"I don't want to hurt you." Peter stated looking her over trying to figure out how to help her and not hurt more.

"You not Peter. Please, I could use your hugs right now. Even if I'm not in pain." she smiled at him, though it didn't reach her eyes.

"Let's get you home and fixed up." Steve suggested after letting the two teens hug for a while.

"Peter why don't you call your Aunt May and tell her you are going to stay at the tower tonight." Tony told him. He could tell that Peter wouldn't want to leave Y/n's side. With her in this condition and the sooner he calls Aunt May the better.

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