Nat x daughter reader
Bucky x daughter reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 871
Summary: When Nat & Bucky have a daughter together but not in the normal way, the rest of the Avengers want to know when they're gonna explain to the little girl that Bucky isn't her Uncle.
Authors Note: short but I think its a sweet family imagine
"Mom!" Y/n yelled out walking into the cozy livingroom of the little home. Nat had gotten her own little home near the compound after they found out about the Redroomand HYDRA's little experiment that had been conveniently wiped from both Nat and Bucky's minds. With the help of Suir both got those memories back.
Bucky felt like he wasn't ready to trust himself with 24/7 care of the young girl that is his flesh and blood. Nat took to being Y/n's mother right away, having always wanted kids but not being able to have them. Nat had been helping Bucky to feel more confident that he wouldn't hurt their little girl. He's not the Winter Soldier anymore. With co-parenting a flame had been rekindled between the ex-spy and ex-assassin.
Nat and Bucky had started dating not long after Y/n came into their lives. Getting closer he was over more to their home. The two were worried on how to handle the situation of them dating and Y/n. This after all wasn't a normal parent's with a kid or even parent's dating with a kid. But Y/n didn't seem to mind, she enjoyed having both of them around all the time.
"What baby?" Natasha asked looking over from her book towards her daughter. Smiling at Y/n who was bouncing on her feet excitedly.
"Can we visit the compound?" Y/n asked leaning against the arm of the couch shifting her feet.
"Why honey?" She asked her daughter patting the couch for her to join. Y/n did moving around to sit on the couch next to her mom.
"I wanna see Uncle Thor and Uncle Bucky." Y/n told her mom trying to contain her excitement.
"Sure Baby. We can go vivist. I'm sure your Uncles would love to see you as well." Nat smiled at Y/n enjoying how much joy came from the young girl, from just the confirmation that she could go see her family. She ran off to her room to from what Natasha could make out was grabbing some drawings she drew for Bucky.
^ ^ ^
"Uncle Thor!" Y/n screamed as she ran over to the God of Thunder. He picked her up with a huge smile.
"There's little lady Y/n!" Then greeted the little Y/h/c-ed girl. Thor loved when he vivisted to spend most of his time on earth with the young lady or as he'd say Princess.
"I missed you Uncle Thor." Y/n spoke softly into his neck as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tight.
"I missed you as well lady Y/n." Thor stated hugging her back as tight as he could without hurting her.
"She really likes Thor huh?" Bucky spoke as he rocked on his heels, looking down feeling left out and a little bit jealous. When Y/n rushed into the livingroom area she had bolted past everyone to get to Thor.
"Yeah, she does." Natasha spoke standing next to him. Nat looked over noticing how down Bucky seemed to be watching their daughter. Normally you couldn't pay for the smile to wipe off his face, he loves that little girl. "She missed you too... She asked to come vivist you and Thor. An I'm pretty sure your her favorite."
"An I don't get a hello?" Bucky raised his eyebrows and placed his hand over his heart dramictcally. "I'm wounded."
Nat couldn't help but laugh at his antics. She laughed her shoulders playfully. "You were off to the side, she saw him first."
"Damn." BUcky shook his head, sure this joking around is fun but Bucky still wanted to go over there and take his little girl back for himself. With all the time he spends over at the house with her and Nat, he's use to having both of his girls to himself.
"She'll be all yours later. Trust me. Your spending the night with us still right?" Natasha asked him wanting to make sure there plans tonight were still on.
"Of course." Bucky puled her into his side gently and kissed her forehead. He was excited for tonight.
"When are you gonna tell her that Bucky isn't her uncle?" Steve asked the two as he and Tony approached the couple.
They hadn't told Y/n yet and since Bucky didn't feel ready when they first got her back they told her he was an uncle. Like Tony, Steve, Thor, and Sam.
"Yeah. Now that you two are dating and I mean-" Tony pointed between the couple and their daughter. "DNA and all."
Bucky and Natasha shared a look before answering. "Soon"
That's actually what they planned on doing tonight. They planned dinner, movies, games, and then sit down and tell Y/n the truth about her parnet's. About them. Nat and Bucky hoped she took it well. Natasha was positive she would. Y/n adored Bucky with all her heart. Nat sweared that Y/n knew somehow or had some feeling that Bucky was more than they said. Bucky was nervous of her reaction but he felt ready and he wanted to be more to her, be more in her life. A happy little family.