Bucky x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,189
Summary: Bucky hasn't had a New Years Eve kiss since before he left for the War in the 40's.Y/n plans to change that.
Authors Note: Happy New Year!!!
"Think you got enough fireworks Stark?" Steve asked upon entering the living room at the compound, seeing it filled with large boxes labled TNT Highly Explosive.
"Nope." Tony shook his head before smirking. "That's why another truck load is coming by at noon."
Y/n squealed excited at what she saw peeking into the boxes around them. "This is gonna be fun!"
Tony held a huge smile upon his face at Y/n's words. Y/n is known by her fellow Avengers as an explosion lover. Doesn't matter what it is fireworks, bombs, etc... Whether it's on missions or holidays she loves them. There pretty.
"Like fireworks much, Doll?" Bucky asked coming up beside her, also peeking a look into the boxes. Y/n nodd's very excited Bucky let out a soft laugh moving to wrap his arms around her waist as they turned to face the others in the room.
Steve shook his head with a small smile on his face looking towards his friend. "Oh you don't know the half of it."
"Y/n got Stark to rent a canon a couple of years back." Nat told the ex-winter soldier with a raise of her brows and a mischievous look in her eyes.
"You got to admit though. It was Awesome." Y/n gave a wide smile to the redhead knowing that they did share a love for pyrotechnics.
"It was." Natasha agreed with s smirk thinking back on that day.
Bucky smiled at the exchange, and here he thought Y/n only loved fireworks on the 4th of July. Buck let out a breath. "New Year's Eve. Haven't celebrated one of those in forever."
"Don't worry merchant candidate. They haven't changed much." tony stated teasing in his own way. The crude comment from Tony earned a few glares from the others.
Steve looked towards Bucky and shrugged. "Ball drop. Fireworks. Toast to the new year."
"And kisses at the stroke of midnight." Nat added with a smug smile towards Steve and they all laughed remembering how Steve reacted a few years ago not remembering that part and getting surprised kissed by a couple of women.
Well everyone laughed but Bucky. His mind was still on what Natasha had just said and it made him stiffen. Y/n noticed that he had freezed up and wanted to get him out of the room in case something was bothering him.
"Hey, Buck. Could you help me with something?" She asked him knowing this could get them out of the room without questions.
"Sure doll." he nodded following her out and down the hall to their shared room. Wondering what she needed help with.
Once they were inside Y/n shut the door behind them, turning to face the metal-armed man. "You ok? When Nat mentioned kissing on New Years you tensed up."
y/n was worried about him Bucky didn't tense often anymore. So the fact he did around the people they both consider family was concerning, and she just wanted to make sure he was ok.
Bucky moved to sit on the foot of the bed, he tilted his head letting out a laugh of embarrassment. "Yeah, I um, I haven't done that since before I joined the Army. Since way before... everything."
Y/n smiled adoringly at her sweet, adorable boyfriend. Y/n worked forward a few steps, standing between Bucky's legs reaching up to cup his cheeks in between her hands. "Nothing to be embarrassed about Bucky."
"I know it's just. I remember now and I remember I use to be a ladies' man and I'm not anymore. Don't get me wrong I have you and I don't want anyone else. It's just-" Bucky moved his hands to rest on her hips, rubbing his thumbs in circles across her skin. It's not that he still wanted to be a ladies' man like he was back then, he had Y/n and that's all he wanted. It's just sometimes he felt like that's how he should be since that who he was.
"An you don't have to be. You've changed, and from what you've confided in me maybe that's not a bad thing." She spoke running a comforting hand through his short hair.
"I love you." Bucky smiled admiring how much she truly cared about him. He couldn't have asked for someone better. She truly understands him.
"I love you too, Buck." Y/n smiled at him. No matter what Bucky went through or would go through in that head of his she would be there and help him out in any way she can. That's what you do for the ones you love.
In this case, one, since we all know there's only Bucky.
Later on, that day in the Avengers hung around, played party games, watched a couple of movies, and drinking. Soon enough it was nearly midnight and the team all headed outside. Tony had set up a large projection of the ball drop so they could watch that and see the fireworks all outside.
"Tony's setting up the fireworks." Steve said as he came over to where Y/n, Nat, and Bucky were standing.
"Nat nodded "good."
"You to?" Steve asked looking at Nat, not all that shocked but amused.
Nat shrugged with a smile on her lips. "Y/n's not wrong in her love for explosives."
Y/n nodded smiling proudly. "No, I am not."
Bucky laughed coming up beside her as they both agreed on their love for TNT. Buck handed Y/n a flute with some champagne inside, once he came back from the refreshments table.
"Thank you." Y/n thanked him, grabbing the flute.
"No problem Doll." Bucky nodded before engaging in conversation with Steve and Sam.
"So are you gonna do what we talked about?" Nat leaned in closer whispering to Y/n while the boys chatted.
"Yup" Y/n smiled blushing thinking about what she plans on doing tonight.
"Just keep it down tonight." Natasha smirked mischievously just to tease her best friend.
"No promises" Y/n winked smirking back at the redhead just as mischievous.
About an hour later the count down started. Everyone was counting along and Tony was ready with the armored hand of his suit and aiming towards the fireworks. Ever the dramatic one.
They all were smiling and cheering joining in on counting down from ten. As it reached one and it turned midnight. Y/n turned her whole body to face Bucky's, moving her hands up to cup his cheeks turning his head to look at her. Grabbing onto her lower back and hip, Bucky was about to ask her what she was doing. But she shook her head lightly singling to him to not ask and just go with it. Pulling him in for a kiss. His first New Year's Eve Midnight kiss since the '40s.
Y/n pulled out of the kiss, resting her forehead against Bucky's. A huge smile on her face. "Happy New Year Bucky."
"Happy New Year Doll." Bucky stated, mirroring her expression. He couldn't have asked for a better Midnight kiss on New Year's Eve.