just like old times

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It's been 3 days, Tommy had been trapped in this boxed cell with his abuser for 3 days now. It's been hard, these nights just consist of arguments, a mad child, a faceless green blob getting somewhat manipulative again and dry food that neither of the males seemed to enjoy.

"So" Dream lifted his gaze up to the blonde on the other side of the cell. "Fuck off, I don't want to talk to you, prick" Tommy furiously muttered through his gritted teeth, hugging himself as he sat on the cold, hard ground, staring directly into the deadly running lava. It was almost becoming an urge to just run through the lava, just to escape and run all the way 'home' without sparing a glance to what's behind the young man.

  "Well you're stuck here, Tommy. Trust me, I don't want to be here either but the least we could do is get along until you get out of this hell hole" Dream smirked smugly, resting his head into his hand in an attempt to calm down the violent glare he was receiving. "Yeah, no thanks. I had enough of you and your bullshit, Dream" Tommy broke eye contact, looking down to pick at his short and dirty fingernails. "Fine fine" Dream held his hands up as if he was surrendering and brought his attention back to the book below him.

Tapping his pen to his chin, Dream hummed his favorite song to keep himself sane and distracted from the angry teen he was stuck with. "Can you shut the fuck up for five seconds, Dream?!" Tommy finally sat up, sending a death glare to the dumbass across the cell before picking at his abandoned dinner, the typical potatoes. "This food tastes like fucking mud. Can't I get some steak instead, I don't know- just something actually good?!"

"Look, Tommy. I'm just as annoyed as you are, except i'm minding my business. I don't give a fuck about the food, if you hate it so much then why did you let me give you so much in the first place? Just suck it up, child. It's your fault anyways" Dream scoffed, continuing to shove a spoonful of potatoes in his formally song filled mouth. Tommy shot him another glare, debating whether or not to fire up something back. Eventually he gave in; "No, you listen here, you little shit. I've lived by your fucking rules enough, 'kay? I've critiqued my actions and life down to the first fucking detail just for your sake. You can 'suck it up', I didn't do shit to deserve this or anything deep enough for this to be labeled as 'my fault', what the hell. If I want to fucking complain or grieve then I will! What are you gonna do? Exile me again?You're pathetic, green boy"

Dream rubbed his temple, gritting his teeth and bouncing his leg impatiently. "That's fucking bullshit, just grow up"

Tommy tossed Dreams food into the lava. "Yeah, typical. Telling me to grow up after everything while you're the immature one and you're the one who needs to act your fucking age. I'm a minor, let me be a fucking kid" Tommy's eyes appeared glassy as the lavas light reflected against them.

"I'm not dealing with your self centered pity tonight, Tommy. G'night" Dream bluntly stated before tossing his pencil in between the pages of his book and slamming it shut. "Night, piss boy. Don't wet the bed again" Tommy burst out laughing, cackling at his own joke.

"Mhm, don't get manipulated by a faceless green figure again" Dream smiled devilishly and allowed himself to drift off to sleep. "Fuck off" Tommy whispered to himself, aware of the nightmares that Dream had just given.

in the hands of my abuserWhere stories live. Discover now