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"what do you mean 'you haven't seen Tommy'?"

Tubbo sighed, his shoulders drooping, displaying his disappointment as he realized that Puffy doesn't have any information on his absence either. "he's not home, or around anywhere. he's just" he paused, taking a deep breath. "gone"

Captain Puffys composure visibly crumbled. "gone?" she breathed, her voice laced with worry.

"yeah, Puffy. he's gone. I don't know where he is and i need your help to find out. will you please forget about the babysitting job, Micheal is fine. just join Ranboo and I, okay?"

she nodded, sympathy glistening in her eyes. "yeah, i'll help. could you give me a minute, though?"

"mhm" Ranboo nodded and pulled Tubbo out the room, dragging him back outside.

"remind me why we came to puffy with all of this?"

"it's puffy! you know.. Tommy and Puffy are like mom and son" Tubbo scrunched his face as he thought about it more. "i don't know, but why not?"

Ranboo's attention snapped to the door as he heard it click open.

"Well, let's go" Puffy slightly smiled, shutting the wooden door roughly behind her.

Hours went by, the sun became dim and the sky was blanketed with clouds that were heavy with unreleased rain. they were loosing hope already, he seemed to be no where. for all they knew, tommy being tommy, could be dead.. again.

as soon as they were about to give up, ranboo called for tubbo and puffy, who came rushing over due to the drowning silence that settled in the air prior, signaling that nothing has happened, yet, but now it has.

"what? did you find something?" Tubbo questioned, attempting to peer over the tallest males shoulder.

Ranboo just nodded, pulling himself to the side, reaching his arm out to create some sort of peep-hole in the crowded branches.

Puffy stepped infront, leaning closer to the small gap, her eyes widening when she saw a tall, blonde male working on the exterior of a house that was built neatly in the middle of a small, abandoned village.

"Is it tommy?" the small brunette tried again, slightly pushing Captain Puffy aside to see for himself. a wide grin growing on his face as he saw his best friend.


Tommy woke up to silence, no decent light expect for the one that peered into the door. It was a sunny morning, but it was fairly hard to tell. he rolled out of his bed, yawning loudly with a stretch before quickly slouching again.

he opened the door, letting way more light seep into the room. the blonde smiled as he scanned the grounds of his repaired village, it looks quite nice and could only get better from here.

By the time the sun rose to the middle of the sky, complimenting the icy blue color around it, Tommy had gathered a few supplies to use as decor.

the thought of the lurking figure from a couple days prior lingered in his mind, causing his attention to constantly snap to the small forest by the furthest house.

he had heard a couple noises already; sticks and twigs cracking, faint sounds that could be described as voices, he wasn't sure, but somehow, he could slightly see moving figures running around through the trees.

he decided not to question it, instead, he brought his attention to the drastic change in weather. Tommy watched as dark clouds traveled his way, over the tree tops and hills. booming thunder rippled throughout the sky, causing a group of birds to fly out of the swaying trees.

he didn't seem to mind too much, rain has always been somewhat calming to him, so like always, the tall male put himself back to work, lining something up on the exterior of his home.

all was well, all was calm, happy, finally okay, until a certain voice called from the forest.

"TOMMY!! TOMMY" a small figure yelled as they stumbled out of the bushes. "TOMMY HOLY CRAP- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"

Tommy's hands dropped, his progress being completely destroyed with one swift motion.

"Tubbo? what- how did you find me?" he paused, turning toward the brunette, furrowing his eyebrows. "why did you come find me?" the blonde spat.

before Tubbo could speak, Ranboo and Puffy emerged from the woods as well, looking somewhat guilty after his reaction.

"RANBOO? PUFFY? TUBBO WHAT THE HELL?" he yelled, thunder crashing behind his words.

"i'm sorry? we were just worried- and nobody saw you for a long time. we didn't expect you to be here" Ranboo took a quick glance around the many buildings that surrounded the group. "in this village, alone, so we weren't quite prepared on how to handle seeing you, reacting and well, yeah"

Tommy parted his lips to say something, but nothing but a slight scoff came out. his expression reflected nothing but anger and confusion.

"isn't that the point? i came here to get away from there, from everyone. to be alone, to have time with myself and my thoughts. this was an escape, not some run away mission for your fucking pity search party. this was a fresh start that i couldn't have if i stayed and of course, it was going so well until you assholes showed up, uninvited. don't you think i would've told you i was leaving if i wanted you to know? if i wanted you to be apart of this?"

nobody replied, it was as if their words were caught in their throats.

Tommy laughed to himself sarcastically, shaking his head. "yeah, exactly. i don't want any of you to be apart of this. i wanted something for myself, something that i could finally call mine without having it taken away from me" a sigh escaped his lips. "and look where we are now. it's being stripped from my grasp once again, by the same people i've been worried about from the start. around you guys, around everyone, i was just another annoying, greedy kid that wanted everything to himself, when in reality, i was just a kid that wanted one thing that couldn't be taken, that couldn't be destroyed. i couldn't even have that"

Tommy stormed off into his house as he felt rain dampen his hair, leaving his 'friends' outside, to themselves, getting soaked with the storm.

i feel like i could've done something better with this chapter but it's already been 3 days so i need to publish it lmaoo

i proof-read this countless times and it still feels rushed, idk how to fix that so don't laugh

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