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The weather has grown harsher. it's hot, humid, the air is stuffy and almost suffocating. sweat painted the blondes hairline as he dragged his feet through the rough, overgrown grass.

Tommy's been walking for about a day now, only stopping once last night to sleep— which didn't last long when some village lady abruptly yelled at him to wake up, attempting to get him away from her property. when that didn't work quick enough, she unnecessarily chased him with a random broom that rested by her worn down shed.

it all felt like exile. he's alone, not welcomed, away from everything, helpless— the list could go on.

what was he thinking? there's no where to go, there's no one one to help. there's nothing left.

it's beginning to feel as if the sky was caving in on him, taking his last breath of air directly from his lungs, leaving him to hyperventilate.

he was just anxious, right?

who wouldn't be?

Tommy slumped against a random tree, letting the bark scratch at his back while he slid down lower and lower, finally sitting down and giving himself a break. in front of him was a lazily flowing river, the water was disgusting and completely trashed— but it was still very tempting to drink.

glancing around, the tall male begin to scoot himself closer to the edge of the ground that dipped into the river, cupping his hands to pick up the water. he scrunched his face is disgust as he let his beaten hands submerge in the obviously mistreated water source.

Tommy quickly pulled his hands out, feeling the water drip between his closed fingers.

"I wouldn't drink that if i were you"

"don't tell me what to do, prick. i've eaten mud before, you know? this is nothing compared to the shit i've done"

The blondes gaze quickly tore away from the water that had been cupped in his dirty fingers, realizing that someone had actually just spoken to him. Tommy glanced over to where he had heard the familiar voice, seeing that beside him stood a tall, brunette male with narrowed eyes and a playful smile.


The brunettes smirk grew, he slipped his hands out of his pockets and held one out to the sitting blonde, narrowing his eyes harder than before.


Tommy held his hand out as well, going to grab the others, but he felt nothing. his hand went straight through and was quickly retracted.

blinking quickly, Tommy looked up to see no one standing beside him anymore. he couldn't even see any signs of someone standing there previously either.

"god this fucking water is already getting to me" the tall male sulked against the tree once more, resting his head in his hands as he rubbed his eyes roughly with the bottom of his palms.

why was this so hard? it's barely been that long and he expects himself to thrive in this state? how does he expect himself to progress in this way? in this place? away from people, away from 'home'

sighing shakily, Tommy picked himself up and carelessly slung his bag over his slumped shoulders, slowly beginning to walk with no desired destination.

after hours of lazily dragging his feet, Tommy glanced up to find a village with barely any light illuminating the petite houses or strangely made paths. his smile grew as he rushed toward his new discovery with any energy that he had left.

'are there people? can they help? what if they let me stay? does this place have food? maybe beds? anywhere to sleep?'

As Tommy approached the houses, he began to realize that they were abandoned, somewhat freshly abandoned. there was not a person in sight and there wasn't any signs of current human activity.

it's okay to have a big place to yourself, but a whole village for one person? that's insane.

maybe if Tommy made it worth living there then it would be fine. he could renovate this place and by 'could' i mean that's exactly what he's going to do.

this was going to be interesting.

hii!! sorry for the short chapters and breaks in between posting, i've been really busy lately but i'll still update whenever i get the chance :]

ily guys, have an amazing day and/or night. drink some water and eat something, even if it's not a lot, it's still worth it!! i'm proud of you <3

in the hands of my abuserWhere stories live. Discover now