oh god

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Ranboo slipped down the chilling stone steps, following his path of mined minerals to the very end. he brushed his thumb along the textured handle of his pickaxe before steadily mining into the iron ore in front of him. whispering to himself aimlessly, ranboo planned out his day. one of his plans being to visit tommy, by tubbos demand. they were both going, just to check up on him.

he sighed, scrunching his eyebrows as he thought over how it was going to go. probably not well, considering how ranboos and tommys dynamic goes. why was he going along anyways? it's not like tommy wants to see HIM— but he shoved that down anyways and followed after tubbo who called him up from the stone walls

a white streak in the shape of lightning swirled between brunette locks. wilbur adjusted his circular thin glasses, his gaze piercing deep into the blue set of eyes ahead of him. "hello tommy" he smiled, their thin lips curling upwards into a slight smirk.

"what the fuck? how-"

"i'm revived, tommy. i'm back"

tommy took a slow breath, despite the sinking feeling in his stomach. "how are you even here? how did you find this place?"

"that's all you're worried about? not the fact that im here? that im alive" wilbur scoffed, leaning to side, using his forearm to prop him up against the door frame.

"crazier shit has happened wilbur, you're the last thing i need to be dealing with right now"

The brunettes face glistened with feigned surprise. "fair enough" he cleared his throat, pushing himself to stand up straight. "don't you trust me tommy? your old friend? remember everything we did together? do you really not trust me?"

tommys eyebrows scrunched as he stared blankly back into wilburs eyes, his reflection barely visible in his glasses. "well- i don't know" he breathed

rain gently leaked from the heavy clouds, dripping gently onto the blondes head.

"remember what we had? cant you let me in now? when i'm vulnerable? weak?"

tommy looked startled almost, he glanced up, ready to cuss wilbur out but-

"tommy?" ranboo called, stepping out the thick forest. he waved, but slowly brought his hand down when he saw the other male towering over the small house. tubbo followed behind, stepping into view, his reaction almost mirroring ranboos.

"hey guys" tommy trailed off, shooting one last glare toward wilbur before slipping past him and toward his friends.

"oh you're not gonna introduce me?"

"fuck off, wilbur. just find a house to stay out, preferably the farthest one from me"

wilbur threw his hands up, stepping off to find a house to stay at.

the blonde sighed, turning to walk toward tubbo and ranboo, who stood outside the forest awkwardly.

hi omg
my account got locked and i couldn't get back in for weeks, i'm really sorry about not updating but i'm back!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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