ive missed you

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The wind grew lighter as Tommy adjusted to the sudden change, he glanced around— squinting at the harsh glare of the sun that reflected against his decorative blue eyes. Everything was still the same, at least it looked the same. Tommy couldn't see the entire world from this little hill, although it felt like it.

he felt free, he felt powerful. The blonde had been through hell and back— quite literally. not anyone can just do that and seem fine, right? this was special, this was new.

Reluctantly, Tommy began walking through the overgrown grass, glancing around every now and then to truly embrace himself in his forgotten surroundings. it all felt so new, like this was his first time here, yet this still felt like home— a home that had been stranded but still filled with overused love.

Once he was far enough, Tommy turned and spared one final glance to the prison, clenching his jaw and balling his hands into a fist. The blonde shook his head slightly and released the tension in his body with a long exhale. He marched along the grass, feeling himself sink deeper in his thoughts with every step.

'Everyone thinks i'm dead'

'Oh my god- that means everything's changed, right? if everyone reckons i'm dead, then what?'

A strong wind pushed onto Tommy's back, pulling him out of his thoughts and back to his dreaded reality. What was there to do now? his body shivered at the temperature, making it hard to focus on his mind. He wasn't complaining too much though, after all, it wasn't the stuffy air from the prison.

Soon enough, Tommy found himself in front of the Prime Path. A slight smile tugged on his lips as he strutted down the wooden trail, still keeping his unintentionally sad composure that clearly still found a way to display itself.

Tommy let himself slowly sink back into his thoughts, planning over his future— all until he saw the bright eyed brunette stare back at him from the top of the path.

The blonde froze, glancing around and blinking rapidly— his smile faded.


Tubbos face was painted with horror. all these mixed emotions that had been bottled up finally let themselves flow out, which his expression showed. Tommy couldn't quite tell, but the brunette seemed to be tearing up, maybe even crying. A faint sniffle echoed throughout the skies.

Tommy took a few steps forward, causing an uneasy and confused friend to stumble back, his lip quivering.

'He ran from me?'

"Hello?" was all Tubbo could spit out, he was quickly blinking and slightly rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't crazy.

"Tubbo?" Tommy breathed, watching as his friend stumbled back even more.

"You're... you're not real"

"The fuck do you mean-" The blonde attempted to approach Tubbo, blindly making the situation even more difficult.

"What? I-.. woah, woah, woah"

"the fuck... uh pinch me" Tommy demanded, noticing that Tubbo had began to walk toward him.

"No. no. no. you pinch me"

The two argued over who should pinch who, blindly beginning to raise their voices. Tommy reached out and pinched Tubbo, just so he would quiet down.

Tubbo jolted back at the skin contact, it felt too real. it seemed too real.

"but you died? you're dead"

Tommy laughed softly, dismissing his rising fear.

"no need to remind me, Tubbo"

Tubbo shook his head, nervously picking at his fingers as he tried to comprehend the situation.

"Tubbo, i'm alive and well. It's me. You should know it's me! Uh.. look! there's the bench where we would sit and listen to songs when we first defeated Dream- and- and.."

"STOP, TOMMY, STOP" The brunettes face was painted with distress, he clearly didn't know what was happening or exactly how it was.

Tommy shakily inhaled, pinching his temple before deciding how to put his words together.

"We didn't defeat Dream, Tubbo. he's going to escape- he's going to break out of prison. we aren't safe.. we need to kill him and we probably need to kill Techno- he said that-"

"TOMMY, PLEASE SLOW DOWN. I- I CANT" Tubbo stormed off into an odd building that was unknown to Tommy.

"fuck" Tommy muttered to himself, feeling tears prick at his eyes before being quickly wiped away by his arm.

"fine, i'll deal with you later"

The taller male stormed off as well, repeatedly wiping away his tears.

What was there to do now? His own best friend was terrified of him and there was nobody else in sight. Everyone seemed to be fine, no one acted like they missed him. They'll probably just treat him like an experiment— they'll probably be just like Dream.

i guess nobody ever truly cares.

here's a shorter chapter since the last one was pretty long :]

have an amazing day/night!!

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