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Tommy and Dream had subconsciously made a temporary truce to not bother each other too much, which didn't last long considering they're both short tempered. "YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU PRICK. I SAY WE NEVER EAT THE POTATOES AND THEN EVENTUALLY THEY'LL SWITCH THE FOOD TO SOMETHING NEW SO WE EAT! IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE, ITS LIKE A REBELLION" Tommy shouted, occasionally stuttering over his own words. "TOMMY, WE'LL STARVE. THERES NO WAY THAT WILL WORK" Dream shouted back, talking with his hands. "NO NO DREAM YOURE FULL OF SHIT, OKAY? IT'LL WORK" Tommy continued on the argument, fully standing by his point.

Dream sighed and brought his harsh stare back up to Tommy. "Listen Tommy, you're so stupid! That wouldn't work, just let it go. You're trying too hard"


"What the hell does George have to do with this? Hes- he's not a part of my life anymore, Tommy. Not sorry to disappoint" Dreams tone softened as George rushed back to his mind. "It wouldn't work, nobody cares, Tommy"

"Oh yeah, whatever. You know you love George, you always have. You know that you miss h-"

Dream punched Tommy right in the nose, sending shooting nerves throughout his hand. Tommy covered his nose with his hand and pulled away once he spelled the metal scent of blood, becoming aware of the red liquid dripping between his fingers. "FUCK YOU, DREAM. WHAT THE HELL-"

Dream threatened to throw another punch before Tommy caught himself, flinching at the sudden movements. "What the-" The two looked over toward the lava, where the noises had come from. Tommy kept protecting himself with his forearms while Dream kept his tightly clenched fist in the air. "Stop it, you two" A harsh voice echoed throughout the cell. It was Sam.

"SAM! SAM" Tommy yelled, turning away from Dream and wincing at the pain in his nose. Dream released his grip from Tommys shirt and shoved him back into the wall causing Tommy to slide to the ground. A faint gasp emerged from the opposite side of the lava, the person it came from seemed to be undetectable. "I said stop" Sam demanded once again. "Did you?" Dreamed smirked, kicking Tommys shins. Tommy curled over and rubbed the abused area. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"Dream, I will extend your sentence" Sam threatened, his tone painted with sincerity. Dream backed away from the vulnerable blonde and threw his hands up, chuckling. "Okay, okay"

Sam cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "Listen. I'm sorry to inform you that I haven't found the source to our.. 'security problem' just yet, meaning you will be in here for longer than imagined. It might be another week or-"

"ANOTHER WEEK?! SAM. PLEASE LET ME OUT NOW, NOT IN A WEEK. HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Tommy desperately pleaded, disbelief treaded over him. "Someone going through the five stages of grief?" Dream teased, folding his arms. Tommy shot a glare through his glassy eyes, his expression made up of anger. Dream took the hint and turned his gaze to anything that wasn't Tommy. "I know, I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do for now. Nobody enters or leaves the prison while in lockdown and we will be in lockdown until I can get to the bottom of this security issue" Sam explained. Tommy scoffed. "Yeah 'security issue'"

Tommy's thoughts muffled every sound around him, the clear conversation happening in front of him was soon drowned out as well. 'I cant be in here for another week'. It's been long enough, I just want to go home. I hate it here, in this shit hole. I cant fucking stand it and Sam- Sam isn't helping. He needs to come to the bottom of this shit before i go ballistic'

Once Tommy was slowly resurfacing to reality, the noises around him came back into focus.

"Dream, I don't have time for this. I'm trying, just calm down, please" Sam ordered, his demand followed by fainting foot steps. "NO- SAM! SAM, COME BACK. PLEASE, SAM" Tommy blurted out, running toward the lava barrier that blocked him off from his escape.

"Please" Tommy's voice softened and he hung his head low. "I guess you're stuck here longer, might as well enjoy it" Dream said casually, wandering back toward his 'writing area'

Tommy sighed and slid down the wall, letting the chilled wall comfort his back. His head hung just above his knees that his arms neatly folded against. Tommy brought an arm to his bloody nose and unintentionally smeared the blood in an attempt to wipe it all away, leaving the punch as nothing but another thing to forget. "Still hurt?" Tommy glanced up to see Dream looking back at him, his eyes filled with greedy hatred. "You think, prick?!" Tommy shot back, averting his gaze.

"Look, Tommy. I've said this before and i'll say it again. You're stuck here, I'm stuck here. There's nothing we can do and the more you fight back, argue, cause conflict and refuse to get along with me then the harder this bullshit is going to be" Tommy hated to admit it but Dream was right.... for once— but Tommy didn't want to get along, he didn't want to fall into that loophole of manipulation that somehow led Tommy to believe he had someone.. that he had Dream.

"Yeah, no thanks, bitch boy" Tommy once again stared deeply into the lava, ignoring Dream and his muffled complaints that polluted the air like smoke. 'I'll find a way out of here.. soon'  Even if there was no way, Tommy had hope. He was going to get out of here as soon as he had the opportunity, despite his disadvantages. "Soon" Tommy repeated to himself, under his breath.


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