friendly faces

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Tommy clenched his jaw, staring directly at the ground as he wandered hopelessly around. I mean- where was he supposed to be? Home? this was supposed to be his home and he's never felt more out of place.

The tall male broke his gaze away from the wooden path, looking up to the tall red building that towered over him.

"my hotel.." he breathed

Tommy scanned the exterior, slightly smiling to himself. He fully brought his attention to the doorway, noticing a figure standing sternly. They appeared to be looking for someone, they didn't notice Tommy.

"Sam! Sam Nook!"

Sams eyes flashed over to Tommy, a smile tugged at his lips. "Welcome back to the Big Innit Hotel, Tommy. It's good to see you again"

"You too, Sam" Tommy smiled widely.

Sam nodded slightly and glanced around. "You were gone for awhile, TommyInnit. We missed you!"

"Wait, what do you mean 'we missed you'?" his smile finally disappeared.

Sams face scrunched a bit in confusion, he looked at Tommy and back toward the entrance of the hotel, seemingly looking inside.

Tommy glanced over, pushing all his weight on one foot as he leaned to his side to get a better look.



Jack didn't look up when he heard footsteps approach, he turned a page in his book and sighed instead.

"Welcome to The Big Manifold Hotel, how may I help you?"

"Jack" Tommy huffed, standing awkwardly on the opposite end of the counter.

Jack looked up, his expression turned sour, displaying his fear— just like Tubbo. He looked taken back, quite literally. Jack stumbled to the wall behind the counter, holding himself up weakly. He didn't break eye contact.

"What the fuck?"

Tommy rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the rising anxiety that bubbled in his stomach. "Hello?"

"How- what? how are you alive?"

"nice one" the taller male scoffed, stifling a laugh.

"why are you alive?" Jack corrected himself, beginning to stand straighter.

"another nice one"

Jack shook his head harshly, his expression became more sour each time the tall blonde spoke. He was seemingly annoyed, maybe even afraid.

Tommy began to step closer, repeating his same mistake from earlier— he never learns.

"No no no. stop, Tommy. you're dead"

The blonde stopped moving right then and there, furrowing his eyebrows.

"does everyone still think i'm dead?"

"yeah, you're a fucking freak. how are you here right now? is this in my head? what's happened?"

"Jack, i'm alive. i'm real"

"No you're dead, Tommy. you're dead. you're not alive. I grieved for you"

"but i'm fine" Tommy glanced around awkwardly. "i'm fine, Jack"

"no, you're not. nobody comes back, it's impossible. you don't just come back"

Tommy shakily inhaled, his expression going bland. "but i came back, i'm here, i'm alive, i'm okay. how do you think you're talking to me right now?"

Jack looked stunned, as if he saw a ghost— which technically, he did. "I don't know, that's the problem"

"right. anyways" Tommy took a deep breath, fixing his composure and running a hand through his hair.

"no, Tommy. dont 'anyway' me" Jacks expression was undeniably tainted with anger by now. "you always 'anyway' me. this is serious. This is why you deserved to die. this is why i deserve to have this hotel"

Tommy spun around, turning his body to bring his full attention to Jack. His expression soon began to match the shorter males.

"you're getting a little big for your boots there, mate. do i need to remind you of your place?"

Jack scoffed, turning on his heel and walking into a manager room.

This is going to be interesting.

Sighing, Tommy pinched the bridge of his noise and rolled his eyes. Mocking the shorter male, he turned on his heel and pushed his way into the same managers office.

"You prick. i died and you go and make this all about you. You're selfish, Jack. You're fucking selfish"

The brunette locked eyes with Tommy, staying silent for a few seconds, letting the death glare speak for him.

"How the hell am I selfish? You're selfish, Tommy. I did everything in this hotel and i did it ten-times better than you ever did. All you ever do is take. you're a selfish thief."


"Bullshit? BULLSHIT? what did you ever do? nothing. you did NOTHING. Despite everything, despite all of that— i grieved for you. I was never selfish, Tommy"

"Don't pull that shit, pal"

"Don't came here and call me selfish as if you didn't do the things you did, as if you didn't make mistakes— countless times" Jacks tone was stern, jittery but stern nonetheless.

"What do you mean? 'Dont'? it's my hotel, mate" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows and began walking up the vacant stairs, finding anyway to distract himself. Jack followed suit, turning on his heel once again, following the taller male like an angry lost puppy.

"This is my hotel. dead people don't have hotels. prisoners don't have hotels. give it up, Tommy"

"For once if you're fucking pitiful life, just listen to me. stop deciding that i'm in the wrong, Jack"



The shorter male sighed, collecting his thoughts before reluctantly nodding.

"I saw so much, i learned so many horrible things, Jack. i'm trying to be myself, i'm trying to be okay but it's hard, alright? so please, for once in your life, just let it go. just shut it off"

Sam Nook approached the top of the stairs, sharing a glance between the two before marching up to Tommy.

"i have to go. Sort him out, Sam"

Sam nodded and walked toward Jack, pulling out an axe, watching as he stumbled back, opening his mouth to yell but Tommy cut him off.

"You can keep the hotel for now, alright? will that shut you up? I have bigger things to do than stay up here and argue with you all day"

Silence broke out between the three, Tommy rolled his eyes and began walking off.

"This isn't the end, Tommy"

"maybe it is"

PLEASE idk what this is- sorry if it's bad
i just base them off the streams sometimes so this one is a little weirdly written

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