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Mathew to the right. I think he is quite yummy <3 <3 <3


Jordan's P.O.V
"Stop. Please stop. I..I'm sorry. John ple-" I cried and screamed but it was useless. John continued to thrust into me, leaving me ripping and breaking beneath him. The searing pain traveled up and spread throughout my body. It never stopped. With each hard thrust, I screamed and thrashed to get away.

"Fuckkkk, baby. You're so tight."  He moaned into my ear. His cold breath tickled my ear and ran down my neck, a sensation that once had me moaning along with him now had me screaming and fighting harder. My stomach did flips and I fought the urge to throw up. I dug my nails into him, leaving red marks and pierced skin along his arms and back. I pushed at his chest but he didn't move an inch. 

"John, you're hurting me... Stop. Please. God, stop Jo-" I was cut off when he reeled his hand back and punched me so hard that I saw stars. My hand was now on my cheek as I stared up at his furious eyes.

"STOP TALKING! THAT'S ALL YOU EVER DO! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE YOU UGLY ASS BITCH!" He screamed right into my face. My ears ringed but I could still hear his friends all laughing in the back round.

John started to thrust back into me, but I didn't mutter a single sound. Tears streamed down my bruised cheek as I turned my face to the side and clenched my hands, digging my nails into my palm until blood dripped down. I held back the screams that begged to echo throughout the room.

"Ahh man, this ain't no fun when she's not screaming" One of his friends slurred. "Can't you do somthin bout that Johnny boy?" Another added. I whipped my head around to face my husband and pleaded with my eyes. Please, please don't do this.

He grinned and I felt as if the last pieces I was holding of my heart crashed and shattered along with the rest of it. "Fuckk, Fuckk.. I'm busy.. You do something." He groaned out as his thrust became faster and the pain intensified. He was getting close to his release.

His friends hooted and advanced. I thrashed around again, begging them to stop and leave me alone but they ignored my pleas and continued racing towards me. "Hmmm, what will make her scream?" One said as they all chuckled. I pushed at Johns chest again until one of his friends finally came up behind me and gripped my wrists. He brought them back and smashed them back onto the ground above my head. I yelped as I felt both of them crack and a new pain starting to rise.

"Ohh, she made a sound." He laughed as he squeezed my broken wrists. I screamed out but they all jumped with joy and continued to grab places on my body, gripping until the skin bruised.

John groaned and thrusted his hips a couple more times before spilling his seed into me and pulling out. Everything burned and ached and I prayed that they had finished and this was the end. John would kick them all out and go off to bed. But like every other prayer that I had asked for tonight, god ignored me and watched my suffering from above.

"Thomas...Your turn." John's words sliced through me. This night wasn't ending, it was just beginning.

'Thomas' jumped up and made quick work of his belt before pulling his pants down and leaping forward. The man above me gripped tighter on my wrists as I attempted to get away. The other two men grabbed one leg each and spread me wide open for Thomas. They started stroking my thighs roughly and slowly worked their way until they were biting and tearing at the skin.

I screamed as I lay there helpless and Thomas lay above me.

Oh god, no.

Thomas placed his face into the crock of my neck, running his teeth down the sensitive and aching skin. I started to see black spots everywhere and I knew I was going to black out. The pain had become too much. I was scared. I was terrified on what they would do to my body if I did pass out and so I struggled to stay awake.

Thomas thrusted into me and the pain had my eyes rolling back into my head and I let out a final scream before my world became black.


Bella. Bella. Bella.

Who's Bella? Where am I? Everything is so black. I can't see

Bella? Bella?! Are you alright?! Talk to me baby!

The voice warmed my body and gave me a sense of happiness I haven't felt in years. Reaching out for it, my hands gripped at nothing and I became terrified. The thought of not being able to reach that voice scared me and I started to run. I don't know where I was going but I needed to get out of the cold darkness. My breath became frantic when I was still surrounded by nothing and the voice was no longer calling out. No, no, no... Don't leave me. Don't leave me, please.


Shhhh, I got you. It's okay, baby. I have you in my arms. Come back to me. Baby, come back.

I was sprinting now. Sprinting towards the voice and the small glow piercing the darkness. I was almost there. Things became brighter until I was surrounded by a blinding light and a warm embrace.

I gasped for air and sagged against the warm arms wrapped around me. Eyes stared down at me and it took me less the two seconds to jump up and wrap my arms around him. I gripped his hair and pulled him closer, crying out. I was safe. I was okay. Nothing is going to happen now. 

"Bella? Oh god, you're okay. You're okay baby. I've got you. I've got you." He whispered, letting out a long breath that he was holding. His arms went around my waist and I sighed in happiness.

"Do... Don't let me go." I chocked out. Silent tears poured down my face and onto his neck.

His grip tightened but I didn't care. I felt safe for the first time in years.

"Never." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

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