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I am so sorry for not updating sooner :( I have been really busy and it just slipped from my mind. I am going to update another chapter tonight to make up for it :D Please comment and tell me how you like it so far :D

Picture of Jordan to the right <3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>

Anyways, back to the story.



Mathews P.O.V

As we stood outside the hospital doors and waited for a taxi to arrive, I let my mind wonder off and think about all the events that had happened today. My day had gone from normal to a complete mess in a matter of minutes.

The girl stood next to me, leaning in more every few seconds so our shoulders touched and our hands would almost connect. For the 8 minutes that we have been here, she has gone from standing a few feet away to practically cuddling up to me again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all.  Neither of us talked and I could see that she was trying to act strong even as she came closer.

I sighed rather loudly causing her to yelp and jump back to her original spot. I shook me head and reached out to grab her and bring her back, but her reaction stopped me halfway. Her eyes went wide and her breath hitched as she lifted both arms up to cover her head. Her whole body trembled as she started to sob and shrink back.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry... Don't... I didn't mean to make you mad," She said in between loud sobs. "I...I wa...I was just... I'm sorry." Her knees gave way and I caught her just before she hit the ground. Her arms clutched her head harder and her sobbing grew louder. Her breathing became more uncontrolled and frantic until she was gasping for air and chocking in the middle of heart breaking cries.

She was going to pass out.

In the corner of my eye I could see the small crowd beginning to form around us. Their questioning stare and their whispered answers made me furious. They are only going to make this worse.

But before I could shout every damn curse word in the book, a hospital security guard came running out and in between them, pushing them back and yelling out orders.

I gave him a quick nod before focusing my attention on the woman in my arms. I couldn't understand what she was saying now, her words were so low and smothered by each sob. I felt the wetness of my own tears on my face, I quickly wiped at them before she could see me and then ran my hand soothingly over her head and began whispering to her that I was here. I had her and she was going to be okay.

She continued to talk and I placed me ear next to her mouth so I could hear her. "Please don't... Don't do this... Please, John"

My head shot up and I grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her head. Her cheeks were red as the tears streamed down. Her bottom lip trembled as she chocked out words. But her eyes... The beautiful glow in her eyes wasn't there anymore. She had a far away look as she stared at me. It was as if she couldn't see me.

"John-" Her words were cut off by a bloodcurdling scream as her eyes closed tightly and her body thrashed around. She was screaming out and fighting me with surprising strength. I struggled to hold her now and I couldn't seem to keep my own emotions and my own tears under control. My eyes watered and my heart raced.

She screams as if someone is beating her, hurting her.

It was then that I realized that she wasn't here with me. That she wasn't in the parking lot surrounded by curious stares. That she wasn't in front of the hospital...

No, she was lost in some unknown terror.

And I couldn't reach her.

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