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Mathews P.O.V

She was truly beautiful.

I knew that from the moment I lay eyes on her that she was a looker, but staring down at her now, I released that the word didn't fit and that she was beyond it. The sun left a soft glow on her face, the wind gently blowing her hair across her shoulders, her eyes, oh her eyes, twinkling as a soft blush slowly spread across her cheeks and neck... I was at lost for words. She was beautiful. Gorgeous. Breathtaking. All of it combined.

I had never felt this way before. I was always filled with such confidence when it came to women but in this moment I couldn't do anything but stare at the angel before my eyes and in my arms. My arms were incapable of moving from the tight hold around her waist and I couldn't for the life of me remember how to open my mouth, let alone speak anything verbally understandable. I was stuck in the moment we were sharing and I could tell that she was undergoing the same effects as I was.

"Wow." Tumbled out of my mouth and I didn't regret the choice of words either. Nothing could compare to her looks. Even an Angel was understating her appearance.

The blush on her face grew darker and I smirked at her reaction and stunned expression. She didn't see what I saw when I gazed upon her. She didn't see the women in front of me and that thought was shocking itself.

"You are breathtaking" I once again blurted and I became worried when her lips turned into a confused little frown and her eyes narrowed. She seemed lost at that moment and I mentally prepared myself for another episode, but it never came.

"Why?" She whispered.

"Why what sweetheart?" I questioned back. Why I thought she was breathtaking? Why I was staring at her the way I was? Why I couldn't let her got? Or even, why were we standing in the middle of her lawn while people stared and giggled as they walked past? There could have been a million and one questions connected to that one 'why?' but thankfully she put me out of my frantic thoughts by simply answering with a "Why are you being so kind to me?"

I was once again stunned. Partly because of her soft melodic voice that sung to me, and partly because the question confused me into horrible line of thoughts. Why wouldn't I be kind to her? She gave me no reason to otherwise and if she had I still wouldn't have shown my disapproval to her openly. That's just the type of man I was when it came to women.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I questioned and my eyebrows drew closer together while I waited for her response. She looked so utterly confused.

"You have no reason to be...Kind that is. I'm not used to this" Her voice speeding up towards the end.

But before I could ask her to elaborate on her odd response, she placed both palms on my chest and slightly pushed. I got the message and reluctantly loosened my hold around her waist. The warmth immediately leaving me along with her fragrance. I had to stop myself from leaning forward, wrapping her back up in my arms while I dug my face into her neck and took in more of her intoxicating smell.

Just like roses.

"Thank you for paying for my ride, And for everything else. You really helped a lot today." She smiled and my heart jumped at the sight of it. "Umm, do you want a drink? Or...something?" She softly whispered while she fidgeted with her hands. She was nervous and I both hated and loved the fact that it was because of me.

"A drink, would be perfect" I responded, taking both her hands in my own and slightly leaning forward to see her mesmerizing eyes once more. Her gaze flew to mine and we once again shared a short moment before she slightly nodded and turned to lead the way.

With her back turned I was able to take in the appearance off the apartment building. It was...Horrible. Ugly even. And defiantly not safe, if the graffiti and empty beer cans spread across the lawn wasn't a telling. My grasp tightened and she turned to look at me before softly smiling and once again turning to stare ahead.

She couldn't live here I decided. I will have to find some way to tell her this.

As we silently went through the scratched and barely recognizable front door, I gritted my teeth to control the boiling anger and fear that was consuming me with the mere thought of a women like Jordan living in such awful conditions. Anything could happen. And my anger only increased once we both climbed the stairs and Jordan was forced to avoid and ignore as much catcalls and crude remarks as possible from wanaby gang members and street kids who had more tattoos then skin and was surrounded by a cloud of smoke. I too smoke but this was too much for my lungs.

And if that wasn't enough, once we came to an abrupt stop in front of a door, my anger only amplified way beyond breaking point.

We both stared at the long splintered crack starting from the very top of the door and spiraling all the way down.

I took a quick glance at Jordan to see the answers written all over her shocked face and I cursed before pushing her behind me and reaching for the handle.

But there was no need.

The door fell to the ground with a bang from the slightest touch and we both stared ahead, Jordan whimpering and I cursing, at what had become of Jordan's Apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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