Part 4

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i was 9 months preggo.i looked hot as fook and everyone was jealous of me tehe. i was gonna murder pansy for trying to steal my seggsy manz.

'oi pansy come here byatch' i shouted. she walked over to me and i shot her with a poo gun. the poo was so toxic she ded, ded as hell. hagrid cheered cuz pansy was ded. everyone was happy. draco said thanks cuz that bitch was annoying as hell.

i went into to labour and hagrid took me to the medical wing to pop out some kids. my million dollar poothay was hurtin and it ripped in half.

 'ew that baby is deformed throw it out the window'I hagrid. he opened the window and chucked it out and i heard a splat as it hit the floor. the baby was ded. now i had 5 babies. they were called: piss, wee, poo, ding dong and puthay. They were all lovely except form deformed shit who we threw out the window and killed. anyways piss, wee,poo and ding dong were boys and puthay was a gorl. puthay wuz my fav cuz she had a thicc booty and a million dollar puthay like me. she was s hawt like mwa. thicci niki and puthay were the hottest byatchs in the world.

professor sprout said my babies were ugly so i used the cruciatus curse on her stanky lil ass.

'Avada Kedavra' i said. sprout then dropped ded. i was a murderer. i murdered professor sprout and pansy. azkaban tried to get meh but i was too fast. zoom zoom on my broom me and hagrid ran away with out babies. 

we were on the run cuz i was a murderer.

'look its thicci niki' shouted umbridge. i killed her by suffocating her with my childrens poo mixed with mine. she was ded. now i killed 3 ppl. i was mega murderer. hagrid said i was hawt.

'will you marry me mamacita?' hagrid asked on one knee with a ring made of poo.

'yes hagrid' i said licking the poo ring. i loved it, it was made from his poo. now i would always smell of poo. yummy yummy. then we saw a dementor who tried to get me to azkaban. he got meh and hagrid and meh babies. in court i said id give them poo if they let me free and they said yes cuz they love poo.


it was my 1st day back at hogwrats and i was tired of being a mum so i murdered my children. except from puthay cuz she hawt. now i had one child. hagrid and i got married in the boys toilets of hogwarts and we went to azkaban for honeymoon.

when we got back from honeymoon we came back to hogwarts. i was still in 6th year. draco said i look hot so hagrid slapped him in the pp. draco cried and ran away.

'you're mine mamacita' hagrid spoke. i hugged him and the poo in his pocket squished inbetween us. yummy

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