Robot Autopsy

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  Izuku wandered into UA, walking alongside the rest of the hero hopefuls entering UA's auditorium.

  The greenette sat patiently in his seat, and was slightly irked when Bakugo sat down next to him.

  "Don't talk to me and we won't have an issue." The blonde said.

  Izuku nodded, returning his attention to the stage below.

  Present Mic stepped from behind the curtain, his blonde hairstyle easily recognisable, even from a distance.

  "Hey hey listeners! Welcome to UA! Now, I'm sure you're all excited to get to the exam, but I need to explain a couple of things first!"

  The white wall behind the hero turned out to be a massive screen, displaying four silhouettes with a simple numbering system.

  "Now, the aim of the exam is to earn as many villain points as possible! How do you acquire villain points you ask? By beating up the villain robots we've prepared of course!!"

  Izuku quickly read the information on the pamphlet he'd found on his seat.

  The exam was quite simple, beat up the robots, earn points, some robots are worth more than others, avoid the obstacle robot, don't hurt the other examinees.

  Izuku grinned to himself.

  With his quirk, this would be a piece of cake.

He didn't hear the rest of Present Mic's explanation, instead choosing to plan to himself.

  He stood along with his section of the hall and headed to testing area B.

  Izuku hopped off the bus 10 minutes later and began stretching his arms.

  He looked around at his competition.

  *Exhausts in his legs, speed quirk. Belt with a lens in the centre, some kind of bellybutton light? Lazer perhaps? Pads on fingers, emitter of some kind. Influences objects outside of the body. Interesting. Five point contact?*

  Izuku could feel his quirk nestled in his chest, waiting to lash out at it's first opponent.

  The massive doors to the exam site opened, and Izuku sprinted inside, his quirk giving him a significant speed boost.

  The heroes of UA watched the screens with great interest.

  "There appear to be a number of excellent applicants. Those with raw power, intel gathering and mobility are drawing ahead. Those with all three are outstripping even them." A small creature said.

  He tapped at a few keys on the pad before him.

  "The applicant who intrigues me most however.. is this."

  A single image expanded to fill most of the screen on the wall, showing a robot's point of view.

  The robot in question lashed out at a green haired boy, who just came around the corner.

  It's fist connected, and the boy's head snapped back.

  But that was all.

  The boy looked straight at the robot again and grinned.

  "An eye for an eye..." He said.

  The feed cut out.

  "What happened? Who was that?" A cowboy asked.

  The creature smiled, bringing the boy's profile to his screen.

  "Izuku Midoriya. Quirk: Absolute Authority. He can push and pull objects of considerable size and weight around him. He can also increase the speed of his attacks with it by tugging parts of his body, and even run faster than a few speed quirks by pulling his entire body forwards. It seems to me that he has an incredibly potent telekinesis quirk. However.. something seems off." The animal said.

  A skinny blonde man and a muscular hobo each looked at the new screen showing Izuku with different thoughts.

  *He's rational. He's strong. He's fast. He isn't flashy, he just gets the job done. He's smart.* The hobo grinned.

  "I want Midoriya in my class."

  The blonde skeleton was staring nervously at the greenette on screen.

  *Is it possible? It could just be telekinesis.. but if he has been given multiple quirks.. then that would mean.. but it could be skill, I can't just confront the boy...*

  The animal chuckled.

  "I had a feeling you'd say that Aizawa. I'll put him in your class."

  The animal looked back at the many windows on the screen, showing various applicants.

  *Of the 48 intelligence quirks that applied, which ones are passing. Of those which ones are viable? I will find you Analytical bunny...*

  Izuku felt a shiver run down his spine. He grinned to himself.

  *You'll never catch me Nezu. You'll be concentrating on the intelligence quirks, or the quirks that need a heightened Intelligence to function well. Telekinesis isn't one of those, it just needs good concentration not high intelligence...*

  Izuku smacked away another robot, slamming the three pointer into a pair of two pointers, destroying all three.

  Izuku lifted the rubble around him with his telekinesis and shredded a group of one pointers with the spinning shrapnel.

  He hopped from windowsill to windowsill, scaling the buildings with the aid of Absolute Authority.

  Izuku looked over the rooftops at the zero pointer in the distance. He let out a low whistle.

  "Damn, that's a little overkill!"

  He grinned.

  "I like it!"

  Izuku sprinted on top of the buildings, using his quirk to run faster, jump further and land faster.

  He quickly reached the building right next to the robot, looking down at the road below.

  "Anyone in the way?" He muttered.

  Izuku spotted a brunette almost buried under a pile of rubble, and wasted no time in pulling the concrete off of her and pulling her to her feet with Absolute Authority.

  She looked around in confusion, wondering what was going on.

  "Run!!" Izuku shouted, waving to her when she looked up and jumping onto the robot's shoulder.

  He watched her flee the scene and immediately got to work.

  Which is to say, he ripped its head off with the twitch of a finger.

  It's body promptly collapsed, just as Izuku floated to the ground using his quirk.

  The crowd just outside of the robot's kill zone stared in amazement.

  "The practical exam is now over!!!" Present Mic yelled.

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