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  The rest of the students had been cleared by Recovery Girl, and after a short interview from a detective, had gone home.

  Izuku was the last left behind, having sent his mother a text saying he'd be talking to the heroes a little while longer.

  The hero in question was Aizawa. The detective had already headed back to the USJ to speak with the officers there. Recovery Girl had been amazed that both Izuku and Aizawa had escaped the battle unscathed.

  Aizawa sat at his desk, staring at the green haired boy before him.

  Izuku sighed, delving into his explanation.

  "Absolute Authority... Is not a quirk. It's an amalgamation of multiple quirks I've.. acquired from muggers over the years."

  Aizawa's stare widened.

  "Absolute Authority is composed of 12 telekinesis quirks and 16 telekinesis copy quirks. A copy quirk is where I don't want to take a quirk completely, but I clone it's abilities. It's not as strong as the original, but it can be strengthened with use."

  Aizawa nodded, keeping silent for now.

  "Technically it is just one quirk, as all the quirks and copies that make it up can no longer be separated from one another.. it can be added to with more quirks and copies though."

  Aizawa decided to chime in.

  "So it's basically the strongest telekinesis quirk the world has ever or will ever see?" He asked.

  Izuku nodded.

  "And it's one of my weakest quirks. I've got a Strength enhancer, a superspeed quirk, a hyper intelligence quirk, a shock nullification quirk, an ultra regeneration quirk, a swift healing quirk and many other assorted powers and abilities. Every single one is made up of at least 10 of its kind, all fused together into the ultimate version of itself. Some of my newer or rarer powers are weaker, but only in the face of my true abilities."

  "So your birth quirk.. lets you take or clone other people's quirks?" Aizawa asked.

  Izuku sighed.

  "Not quite. My original quirk, my birth quirk. The most powerful quirk in my arsenal. It was not registered, as I used it to clone my mother's quirk by mistake, which is why it is believed to be telekinesis by everyone else. My real quirk's name is an Eye for an Eye. You know the old saying?"

  Aizawa nodded, scratching his chin.

  "Didn't it go.. an eye for an eye and the world goes blind?"

  "Yes. My quirk lets me take an eye for an eye. Or.. an eye for something else of my choosing, like a quirk. Remember, back in the USJ, when the Nomu just.. exploded?"

  Aizawa nodded hesitantly.

  "That was it's 52 hits rebounding onto itself. It struck me 52 times with strength enhanced punches. Once I took it's shock displacement and regeneration quirks, I let the damage rebound. That was the result."

  "So if I were to punch you right now..?"

  Izuku smiled.

  "You'd be the one feeling it. And you'd get the injury, if I so desired. I can also use my shock nullification to just negate the damage and pain you deal to me, meaning you're pretty much punching yourself. The damage can also accumulate until I let it out."

  Aizawa sighed, sitting back in his chair.

  "Alright problem child. I want you to make a list. Every single quirk you have, and the number of it's kind inside it. The quirk's abilities and limits too. On my desk when you get back to school. I will show nobody but the principal. I need it to be able to train you properly. Alright?"

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