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  The villain jerked away, his eyes blown wide behind the hand on his face. He stared down at his forearm in horror, scrambling away from the green haired boy.

  "N-Nomu!!" He screamed, falling back onto his butt, clutching the decaying arm.

  Izuku was backhanded by the beaked monster, and sent flying into the stairs at the other end of the courtyard.

  "Midoriya!" Aizawa shouted, getting up from the bloodied floor and chasing after the teen.

  Izuku pulled himself out of the new crater in the staircase, his skin stitching itself back together. He was laughing hysterically.

  "Amazing! I already had powerful healing quirks, but this regeneration is on another level!" Izuku exclaimed.

  "And multiple quirks? What, does someone evil have a quirk like mine? I wonder what kind of quirky things he can do!"

  The Nomu, upon realising Izuku wasn't dead, charged again.

  The hand villain watched in horror as Izuku was smacked into the wall, but didn't take any damage this time.

  "Shock absorption? I've got a couple, but knowhere near as powerful as this! It's more of a shock displacement though, now that I think about it.."

  Izuku observed the shockwaves passing out behind him every time the Nomu punched him. The strikes were getting weaker though. He let out a low whistle.

  "Three super strength quirks? That's insane! And two ultraspeed quirks? With this combination, you could be on par with All Might!"

  The Nomu promptly collapsed under the strain of Izuku's quirk. Izuku glared down at the creature.

  "59 punches. An eye for an eye..."

  The Nomu's upper half blew itself apart.

  The misty man took that chance to appear.

  "Shigaraki, we must retreat! One of the students escaped, and is calling for backup!"

  The purple mist man hesitated.

  "W-what happened to the Nomu?" He asked.

  Shigaraki ran towards Kurogiri.

  "Open a warp gate Kurogiri! Get us out of here!! He's like sensei, he can steal quirks!"

  Kurogiri's eyes widened, and he quickly made a portal, stepping through alongside Shigaraki, who threw himself through the portal.

  Izuku sighed in relief, healing his decayed arm.

  "Midoriya.. what the hell was that?"

  Izuku looked up at Aizawa, noting his various injuries.

  "I promise to explain later, but the short story is I have multiple quirks. Do you want me to heal your injuries?"

  Aizawa paused warily, then relented, nodding his head. Izuku placed his hand on Aizawa's arm, willing his wounds to heal. It took a couple of minutes, but Aizawa was quickly good as new.

  "Around half of the students are scattered around the facility, but they're all heading back now. Except Yayorozu, Jirou and Kaminari.. you might want to go and check out the mountain zone. Also, pleasevkeep my quirk status a secret."

  Aizawa nodded, racing off in the direction of the mountain zone.

  Izuku searched around inside himself.

  *Alright, an über powerful regeneration quirk.. I'll merge that with my self healing quirks.. the strength boosters can go into the super strength pile, and the speed quirks into the super speed pile.. shock absorption.. I'll jumble my other shock dampeners with it.. now I'll try activating them..*

  Izuku activated his strength quirk, feeling his muscles bulge and tighten beneath his skin.

  "Whoa.. this feels like All Might level strength... Those strength enhancers were stronger than I thought.." he muttered.

  Izuku let the strength quirk go, instead pulling his newest, most dangerous quirk to the surface.

  "Some kind of decay...?" He murmured.

  Izuku put it away, letting the quirk sink back into his chest. He'd experiment with it later.

  The greenette walked up the stairs, coming to the top and walking the short distance to the huddled group of students.

  "Is everyone okay?" He asked.

  Uraraka shook her head.

  "I don't know. Everyone else is still scattered around the facility, and Thirteen is badly injured..."

  Izuku approached the space hero.

  "I don't think it's really as bad as it looks." He began.

  The rest of the students looked expectantly at him.

  "It's mainly her costume that was obliterated, her back had small pieces pulled off, which would have put her in a great deal of pain, but nothing vital was damaged. There's a lot of blood, but that's just because of the amount of wounds, and she probably passed out from the pain. Thirteen will be fine. She'll be sore once she wakes up, but if anything she will probably be able to get up and heal in a couple minutes with Recovery girl's help."

  It was at that moment that the door burst open.

  "Do not be afraid students. I am here!"

  "Aizawa is in the mountain zone helping the students there. I was in the flood zone, everyone else got out okay. I don't know about the other zones though All Might, they're the ones that really need your help!" Izuku said.

  "Thank you young Midoriya, I shall return in a moment with your classmates!"

  The hero ran off at an incredible speed.

  *Not as fast as my speed quirk amalgamation though..*

  All Might returned moments later with Tokoyami and Koda in his arms. Once they were set down, All Might disappeared again in a blur, off to rescue his remaining students.

  Izuku lifted the injured Thirteen with his quirk.

  "Everybody go outside. The rest of the teachers will be here soon, but it's still safer to wait outside. All Might will bring the others up here, and clean up the rest of the villains."

  Izuku's classmates nodded, getting up and walking to the wide open doorway.

  Izuku levitated Thirteen through the door and set her gently onto the grass outside.

  He turned back to the staircase in time to see Aizawa, Yayorozu, Jirou and Kaminari reach the top.

  "All Might is here, he's helping the rest of the students. The only ones unaccounted for so far are Todoroki, Hagakure, Ojiro, Bakugo and Kirishima. The rest should be outside at the moment. Thirteen is injured, but it's just a lot of flesh wounds, she'll be fine. Iida escaped earlier, and the rest of the heroes will be here shortly." Izuku said.

  Aizawa nodded, standing alongside Izuku as they watched the villains below get struck down by a furious yellow blur.

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