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  Izuku heard the postman slide a letter through their door, so he pulled it towards him through the house and up the stairs to his room.

  There was something small, round and heavy inside the envelope, so he pulled it along with that.

  Izuku tore the letter open and let the disk drop onto his desk. A holographic screen projected itself onto his wall, showing the number one hero.

  "I am here, as a projection!" The hero said.

  "All Might?? But isn't this from UA?"

  The hero continued talking.

  "You may be wondering why I am here! Well, you are in fact looking at UA's newest faculty member! Now, I will be the one giving you your score young Midoriya! You did superbly in the written exam, with full marks! Very well done! Your practical exam was almost as good as that, with 128 villain points! That is already enough to get into UA's hero course, but there was also a hidden scoring system! Rescue points! Due to your actions, young Uraraka was saved from the zero pointer's rampage. You also prevented more property damage by making the robot fall into a section it had already destroyed. You were awarded 70 rescue points! Adding that to your total score gives you an incredible 198 points! Welcome, to your hero academia."

  The projection cut off.

  Izuku smiled, leaning back in his chair.

  "I did it!!!"

  Izuku spent the 2 months between his acceptance and his first day training. He went on long runs, he lifted heavy weights both with and without his quirk, however lifting with his quirk required something much heavier than just his wrist weights.

  Izuku walked into UA nearly half an hour early, just to get a good idea of where everything was.

  He found 1A pretty easily, he could hear the angry screams of a certain rabid blonde from a mile away.

  Izuku opened the door and watched the spectacle before him.

  "Could you please take your feet off the desk? It's incredibly disrespectful to our upperclassmen, not to mention the people that made the desk!" A tall bespectacled boy pleaded.

  Bakugo just snorted.

  "What school shoved that stick up your ass?" He asked.

  The boy straightened his back, adjusting his glasses.

  "Let us start over. I am Tenya Iida of Somei private academy! It's a pleasure to meet you."

  *That last part didn't sound so sure..* Izuku thought.

  Iida turned and noticed Izuku in the doorway.

  "It's you! I am Tenya Iida of S-"

  Izuku nodded, raising his hand.

  "I heard. I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's nice to meet you Iida."

  Iida shook Izuku's hand, and began to talk about the exam.

  "I saw you during the exam, you were incredibly skilled with your telekinesis quirk. I also saw that you took out the zero pointer to save that girl."

  Bakugo turned to scowl at Izuku, opening his mouth.

  Izuku smiled at the blonde.

  He shut his mouth and looked away.

  "He took out the zero pointer?"

  "What kind of crazy telekinesis does he have??"

  The other kids in the class began chattering amongst themselves.

  Izuku felt a presence behind himself.

  "It's you! The green boy!"

  Izuku turned, smiling at the brunette.

  "Well done for making it in." He said.

  The girl smiled.

  "Thanks for saving me. That was pretty scary.."

  "If you're here to make friends then I suggest you leave."

  Everyone but Izuku in the class jumped, staring at the yellow sleeping bag in the doorway.

  The bag stood up and opened, revealing a tired hobo man.

  "It took you all 4 seconds to quiet down. Only one of you noticed me in the first place. My name is Shota Aizawa, I'll be your homeroom teacher for the next 3 years. Now, put these on and head outside."

  The man pulled out several PE uniforms from the sleeping bag.l, laying them on the desk. He then left the room, wandering down the corridor.

  Izuku pulled a uniform into his hands and left the room after their teacher, briskly walking down the corridor after him.

  Somehow, to Aizawa's surprise, Izuku was already at the field, with his PE clothes on, doing stretches.

  "I assume we're doing a test of some sort? You want to see how well we can use our quirks. Will we be doing the standardised fitness tests but with powers? That way we can compare how much they aid our strength."

  Aizawa paused in shock, but quickly nodded.

  Izuku continued his stretches until the rest of the class arrived.

  "It took you all, minus Midoriya, 8 minutes to change and get down here. You'll need to be much faster than that if you want to last here. Every second is crucial. Now, onto what we'll be doing today. You are all familiar with the standardised fitness tests? You'll be doing them again, but this time with your quirks."

  Most of the class chattered amongst themselves excitedly.

  "Midoriya." Aizawa said.

  Izuku stepped forwards.

  "What was your furthest throw in middle school?" He asked.

  "Around 65 meters." Izuku said.

  Aizawa tossed him a small ball with sensors all over it.

  "Throw this as hard as you can using your quirk. Do what you like, just don't leave the circle." Aizawa gestured to the circle on the field beside him.

  Izuku nodded stepping forwards.

  *If I boost my throwing speed and then push the ball further with Absolute Authority, I can feasibly get it into space...*

  Izuku pulled his arm back, then used his quirk to push his arm forwards faster than he normally could, then he grabbed the speeding ball and pushed it as far as possible.

  Aizawa raised the tablet.

  "Several thousand Kilometers and counting. Impressive." He said.

  "We get to use our quirks as much as we want?" A yellow haired kid asked.

  "This is going to be fun!" A pink girl said.

  Aizawa immediately frowned.

  "You think this is fun? Then how about I make it even more fun.. whoever scores last out of all of the tests is expelled." He said.

  A few of the students with non- physical quirks became worried.

  "Y-you can't do that, it's only the first day! It's not fair!" Uraraka said.

  "Villains aren't fair. Disasters aren't fair. It's up to heroes to push past that and make it fair. Plus Ultra. Now, let's get started." Aizawa said.

  Throughout each of the tests, Izuku scored the best in each of them, even outlasting Iida in the endurance run, or Asui in the long jump.

  As it turned out, Aizawa had been lying about the expulsion, much to the invisible girl's- Hagakure, Izuku thought- relief.

  "Well, that's all for today. If you want to go home or stay here, I don't really care. Just don't disturb me."

  Aizawa crawled into his sleeping bag and rolled away.

  *Today was fun. I wonder what we're doing tomorrow..?*

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