Half Cold Vs Absolution

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  Izuku had watched his classmate's matches eagerly, ready to learn more about their (and his) quirks.

  Todoroki Vs Sero had been.. quick. Todoroki merely froze his opponent in a single move.

  Iida Vs Hatsume had been hilarious. Hatsume had convinced him to use her support gear, and turned their match into an advertisement for her 'babies'.

  Tokoyami Vs Yayorozu had also been quick. The creative girl wasn't fast enough to stop the shadow monster from pushing her out of bounds.

  Shiozaki Vs Kaminari had been yet another quick match, where Kaminari let out all of his electricity at once, frying his brain. Shiozaki quickly immobilised him.

  Kirishima Vs Tetsutetsu was a long, drawn out match. Izuku missed most of it, as he went to the waiting room to support Uraraka before her upcoming match.

  Uraraka Vs Bakugo was a long match. The brunette had kept close to the ground, making Bakugo's explosions dislodge chunks of concrete that she levitated into the sky. The meteor shower that she let fall was a spectacular attack, however it was not well matched against the loud blonde. Bakugo took out her attack in one blast, blowing the brunette away and knocking her out shortly after.

  Izuku left the waiting room, his expression becoming downcast as he heard quiet crying.

  The greenette rounded the corner, coming face to face with a man wreathed in flames.

  "Ah, it's you. Your quirk is impressive. I expect you to put on a good show for Shoto. That boy has a duty to surpass All Might."

  Izuku watched the giant man walk away.

  "Is that why he refuses to use his fire side?" He asked.

  Endeavour turned around.

  "Yes. He's having a childish rebellion at the moment, but-"

  "How dare you." Izuku's voice shook.

  Endeavour's glare hardened.

  "Excuse me?" He asked.

  "How dare you." Izuku repeated.

  "How dare you drag your son into your one sided feud with All Might. How dare you treat your son like a tool. How dare you walk around acting like a hero when you don't even qualify to be a human being." Izuku said.

  Endeavour flared up.

  "Don't you talk to me like that boy!"

  Izuku felt the searing heat on his face. He smiled devilishly.

  "An eye for an eye Endeavour. And you've done so much more than take an eye."

  Izuku copied Endeavours quirk, then swapped it for the original. The flames died down, but the hero didn't notice, calming them himself anyway. Izuku then copied the copy he had given the hero, swapping the sub- copy for the copy within Endeavour.

  Izuku did that a total of nineteen more times. Endeavour ended up with a sub×20- copy quirk, while Izuku had the original quirk and 20 other copies of decreasing power.

  The hero did not notice. He had enough firepower to light up his costume and ignite his flamestache, but not an inch more. The flames looked great, but they didn't do all that much.

  "Later candlehead. Enjoy your new career of melting wax and scenting rooms."

  Izuku left quickly, enjoying the distant screeches of rage when Endeavour couldn't flare up in fury.

  "No takesie backsies!" Izuku sang, pushing hellflame and the 20 copies into Absolution.

  Izuku walked up onto the concrete arena, facing his opponent.

  Now that he knew just how disgusting the number two trash bag really was, Izuku could see signs he couldn't before.

  Todoroki's eyes remained steady, but the moment you looked away they shifted to the side, looking for threats.

  The decorational fire that flared at the corners of the arena made Todoroki's fists clench every time they spluttered.

  An unnoticeable ribbon of smoke was curling from the heterochromia teen's right shoulder. His ice side had been burned. Todoroki was discreetly frosting over the burn, the ice only slightly creeping below his sleeve.

  Izuku scowled.

  He'd get Todoroki to use his fire, even if it killed him, just so that he could rub Todoroki's success in Endeavour's crippled face.

  "Are you both ready?" Midnight asked.

  Izuku and Todoroki nodded wordlessly.

  "Then you may begin!"

  Todoroki's first move was to engulf Izuku in Ice.

  Izuku heated up his body enough to melt the ice and walked through it, punching the final layer and stepping back onto concrete.

  "The same move that you used against Sero? You should know that won't work on me."

  Todoroki sent another ice wave at him. Izuku just gestured with his hand and the wave split down the middle, passing either side of Izuku.

  "Why aren't you using your fire?" Izuku called. "Is it because of what that trash did to you?"

  Todoroki scowled.

  "I refuse to use his power!" He said.

  Izuku shook his head.

  "Am I fighting Endea-whore with Hellflame? No! I'm fighting Shoto Todoroki with Half Cold Half Hot!" He said.

  Todoroki wordlessly sent out another ice barrage that was redirected by Izuku again.

  "Everyone here is giving it 100 percent, so why aren't you? All of our classmates are giving it their all just to crawl through, and you're just half- assing it?"

  Todoroki scowled.

  "I will not use his fire." He said, launching another iceberg at his opponent.

  "I know you won't, because it's your fire! And also because Endeavour is just a light show now. But other than that it's your power! Yours, not his!"

  Todoroki froze in place, and Izuku took a few steps away.

  The dual haired teen burst into flames, the heat sweeping across the arena.

  "Helping your opponent.. you're crazy." Todoroki muttered.

  Izuku grinned at his creation, cackling as he anticipated the next blow.

  Todoroki stomped his foot down, gathering ice.

  "You'll need to tell me what you meant by 'light shkw' later. In the meantime.."

  A mountain of ice was thrown at Izuku, and promptly redirected. A torrent of flame engulfed the teen, but was redirected with Absolution, rising high above Izuku's head as he sprinted towards his opponent.

  Todoroki stretched his arm out, gathering flames for one final burst.

  Izuku raised his own arm, reaching out for a high- five from his opponent. They met in the middle with a resounding clap, too fast for both Midnight and Cementoss to stop.

  Izuku gently dropped Todoroki out of bounds before the smoke cleared, standing in the centre of the arena. He examined his right arm.

  Izuku's right arm up to his elbow had been obliterated. Fortunately, he'd gotten his regeneration quirk prepared, and his arm fixed itself in an instant.

  Midnight called out the verdict once the smoke cleared.

  "Todoroki is out of bounds. Midoriya wins!"

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