11 A Continuation

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Now that Kaminari and Shinso had finally told their friends they were dating they were finally being more open about their relationship. Of course, this didn't exactly mean they were telling people they were dating.

They cuddled more in the common room, which most of their classmates brushed off as Kaminari being one to do that with his friends, which he was. Sometimes Kaminari would steal a kiss or two before and after classes, not caring that they were in the halls at school.

Shinso didn't care much for PDA so if they were being honest not a lot had changed. Some of Kaminari's classmates still thought he had a girlfriend and were very confused when they saw him kiss Shinso before heading off to bed one day.

Jiro and Momo gave Shinso a strange look while he just continued reading his book like nothing happened. No one else was in the common room except the three of them.

"Uhh, Shinso?" Jiro spoke up.

Shinso lifted his head. "Ya?"

"Did you and Kaminari just kiss?" She asked.

"Yes," Shinso said, going back to his book.

Momo and Jiro shared a look, thinking the same thing. "But doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Momo asked. "You know that right?"

"Oh, no he doesn't have a girlfriend," Shinso said still reading his book. "That was a prank. He thought it would be funny and I played along." The two girls were at a loss for words. "We were dating the whole time."

This only seemed to confuse them more. "So Kami's gay?" Jiro asked finally.

"Nope," Shinso said simply.

"Bi then?" Momo asked.

"Yep," Shinso answered. He had gone through this with a few of their other classmates before and it had lost its humour after the second time he had to explain this. Shinso flipped the page in his book before glancing back up at the two girls when they went completely silent. He couldn't tell what they were thinking. "Do you... have a problem with that?" Shinso finally asked breaking the silence.

Both girls straightened up and Jiro shook her head frantically.

"No, no not at all!" Momo said. "Honestly he's the last person I would have pegged as liking guys," he said. "Well, actually no Mineta's the last, but that's not the point."

"Ya, same, no problem with that," she said. "it would be hypocritical, I'm bi as well after all."

Shinso just nodded his head, going back to his book. He was ready for the questions that usually followed this discovery. "So how long have you two..."

"3 and a half months," Shinso answered before Momo finished. "You don't have to try and make small talk to try and prove you're ok with it," Shinso said. He knew neither of the girls were ones to try and push into other's love lives, especially Shinso's considering they had only met about a month ago.

"Oh thank you," Momo muttered with a sigh. "I'm happy for you two," she said.

"Ya, you two are cute together," Jiro added. "I'm gonna head off to bed, so see you guys tomorrow."

Shinso nodded his head in acknowledgement and Momo said good night. Momo seemed uncomfortable, given that they were the only two left in the common room.

It wasn't uncommon for Shinso to be the last one to go back to his dorm at night, though lately, Kaminari had been making him go back to his room when he did so Shinso wouldn't accidentally stay up till 4 in the morning again. But it was the weekend, so it's not like they couldn't sleep in the next day anyway.

Momo shifted uneasy in her seat and Shinso glanced up at her. "What do you want?" He asked. He recognized the signs of someone wanting to say something.

"Oh, umm," Momo trailed off. Though her self-confidence had been going up since the battles with their teachers she still had trouble with one on one confrontation sometimes. "Well I wanted to know how you got a date with Kaminari," she said. "There's someone I like but I don't know how to ask them out."

Shinso was honestly shocked by this question. When did he become the person to go to for this sort of thing? Why not Aoyama? Or practically anyone else? Though, Kaminari and Shinso were the only two in a relationship in their class so that part did sort of make sense.

"He asked me," Shinso said. "I don't know how."

"Oh," Momo said.

"Just go for it I guess? I'm sure whoever it is will like you back," Shinso said.

"I hope your right," Momo said scratching the back of her neck. "Good night Shinso, and thank you."

"Good night," Shinso said.

There was a small part of him that wanted to know who it was She liked, but he wasn't going to ask. He got the feeling She had asked him because she knew he wouldn't want to know who. Going to almost anyone else in the class would mean being bombarded with questions about who she liked.

Shinso's phone started buzzing and he was expecting it to be a phone call with what the buzzing pattern was but instead, when Shinso picked up his phone, it was an alarm. Not set by him.

It was labelled, 'Go to bed sleepy head, Love you.' Shinso couldn't help but chuckle at this. Kaminari had set this reminder, most definitely.

Shinso turned it off and continued reading. Five minutes later his phone buzzed again with another alarm this time labelled 'I mean it Toshi, still love you.'

He turned it off and sighed. 'I guess I'm going to bed' Shinso thought with a laugh.

While he was brushing his teeth another alarm went off on his phone labelled. 'You better be getting ready, I'll see you in the morning <3'

Shinso rolled his eyes and crawled into bed. God, he loved his dorky boyfriend.

(Published Mar 3, 2021)

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