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"Hey, Kami?" Mina asked, sitting on the couch and lying her feet across her friend's lap. "Are you doing anything this weekend? The Bakusquad and I were going to go to the mall."

"Sorry Mina, I have plans," Kaminari said, closing his phone and looking at his pink friend.

"You're never free anymore," she whined, letting her head fall back against the couch in slight annoyance. "We haven't hung out properly for like a month, what gives?"

"I have homework to catch up on and-" Kaminari was cut off.

"I'm calling bullshit, I know for a fact that you're finished the homework we got, we did it together remember," Mina said sitting up. "You got a secret girlfriend or something?"

'Or something' Kaminari thought. "I don't have a secret girlfriend," Kaminari told Mina.

"Then why are you always busy on the weekends?" She asked.

Kaminari's mind flashed to what he had been doing for the past two months on weekends.


"Toshi?" Kaminari asked, laying his head on Shinso's lap and looking up at him. Currently, they were in Shinso's house helping watch Eri, but she was asleep so they were hanging out in the living room.

"Yes, Denki?" Shinso asked, still looking at his phone.

"Cuddles?" Kaminari asked, raising his arms to try and pull Shinso down.

"You're such a kid," Shinso smirked slightly. He shifted in his seat so that Kaminari's back was now pressed against Shinso's chest, a leg on either side of the blond's body. His arms wrapped under kaminari's arms resting his hands on his stomach.

Kaminari's head lay back as he looked up at his boyfriend. "Maybe, but you love it," he said with a smirk.

"I do," he said leaning down and kissing Kaminari on the lips.


"Shin! Dance with me!" Kaminari exclaimed excitedly as his favourite song came on the radio. He grabbed both of Shinso's hands and tried to pull him off the couch.

"I'm not a dancer, Kami," Shinso said, pulling back and trying to stay on the couch.

Kaminari collapsed into Shinso's arms. "Please?" He asked looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.

There was a long sigh from the purple-haired boy before there was a small "fine."

Kaminari's face lit up, his lips curling into a big smile and he hopped off of Shinso pulling him to his feet and starting to dance.


Kaminari lay on a soft blanket with Shinso looking up at the stars. "That one is Ursa Major," Kaminari said pointing up at the stars. "And that one's Cassiopeia, oh! And there's the North Star." Kaminari turned his head to see if Shinso was looking. Instead of staring at the stars, Shinso was looking at Kaminari. "Why aren't you looking?"

"I am, I'm looking at you," Shinso said. He used one of his hands to brush some hair out of Kaminari's face. His hand lingering on his cheek.

Kaminari stairs at Shinso's violet eyes, flickering down to his lips and back up to Shinso's eyes. Shinso's hand still lingered on Kaminari's cheek. He slowly leaned in. It was their first kiss so it wasn't exactly pretty, but neither of them would call it terrible.

A small spark travelled through their bodies, no doubt from Kaminari's quirk.

When they pulled away Kaminari had the biggest smile ever on his face.

-present day-

"I've been hanging out with my family, they don't get to see me much now that I'm in the dorms," Kaminari lied.

"Ugh but now I don't get to hang out with you," Mina continued whining.

"Oh shut up, you get to hang out with me after school all the time," Kaminari said.

"Ya but we're not supposed to leave school property on weekdays unless our parents sign us out so it's never as fun."

"What are you guys talking about?" Sero asked sitting on another couch.

"Kami isn't coming to the mall with us again," Mina filled Sero in.

"Seriously? You've been so busy lately, what's up with that? You have a girlfriend now or something?" Sero questioned

"That's what I asked!" Mina exclaimed, waving her hands around for emphasis.

"I don't have a girlfriend, it's just family stuff," Kaminari insisted. The fact that they thought he was dating a girl made him smile slightly.

Shinso and his relationship were secret to everyone but Shinso's parents, Aizawa and Present Mic. And for the time being that's how they wanted to keep it. They didn't want to risk losing friends or getting bullied, this was ok for them.

They hadn't even wanted to tell Shinso's parents, Aizawa and Mic found out by accident. But that was ok because now they were able to get together at Shinso's house and not have to hide.

"I'll let you off this weekend but please, next weekend, I want to hang out with the full Bakusquad," Mina said.

Kaminari agreed and Mina made him pinky promise that he wouldn't make other plans and bail.

"So what are you doing with your parents tomorrow?" Mina asked.

"I don't know, I think they wanted to go out for lunch," Kaminari said. He wasn't completely lying, that's what he and Shinso were planning. Probably go out for lunch then walk around in the park, maybe watch a movie at his house. "Probably play some board games or something."

"You really can't spare one day?" Mina asked. "Even just a few hours?"

Kaminari smiled a little "I can see," he really wanted to spend the weekend with Shinso, but maybe he could figure out a way to do both.

(Ok! First chapter! I'll be posting this story every Saturday so be ready for that! I do have another Shinso x Kaminari story called "secret" and I would love it if you all checked that out as well!) (966)

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