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"Toshi, you ready to go?" Kaminari asked as he tied his shoes and stood, bouncing a few times on the ball of his feet as if he was getting ready for a run.

"Give me a sec," Shinso said putting his phone in his back pocket and putting his shoes on as well.

They had planned a date to the fair that was in town. Kaminari had been hyped about it ever since the idea passed Shinso's lips the other day.

The purple-haired teen chuckled at his boyfriend and opened the door for them to leave. "Ok slow down Denki, getting to the bus stop before the bus will not get us to the fair early," Shinso said as Kaminari pulled him down the stairs to the common room.

"I know, but I have too much energy to just walk."

"Have I told you lately how adorable you are?" Shinso asked, knowing it would make Kaminari's face flush red and slow him down, even if it was only for a minute.

"T-Toshi! That's embarrassing," Kaminari mumbled looking down at his feet. "A-and I'm not adorable."

"Sure you aren't," Shinso chuckled, a small smirk on his lips as he leant down to kiss Kaminari on his cheek. The blond blushed a little harder and pushed Shinso's face away playfully. "Can't blame me for telling the
truth, love."

Kaminari groaned and hid his face in his hands. Sure he's usually the flirty one but it was rarely ever returned and Kaminari hadn't gotten used to the rare flirting that Shinso would pull now and then. "Can we just go?"

Shinso nodded and they headed off for the bus stop. "It's been so long since I've been to a fair, my parents always said it was a waste of time and money."

"I've only been once or twice, my dad's had me take Eri last year when they got caught up in a hero mission."

"Aww you're being a good big brother," Kaminari teased. Shinso just rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, used to the occasional teasing. "You know it's been a while since I've seen Eri, does she miss me?" He asked jokingly.

Shinso just chuckled. "Never mentions you," Shinso joked. Kaminari gave an offended look to his boyfriend. "I'm only joking. We talked last night and she was asking when she'd get to see you again."

"Aww," Kaminari cooed. Eri was 6 and had formed an attachment to Kaminari since he would let her play with his hair. Shinso sometimes would also let her but wasn't nearly as fun to play with since Kaminari's hair was longer. Kaminari didn't have any siblings growing up so since Shinso and he started dating she had been like his younger sister as well. "We'll have to go to your house soon."

Shinso just nodded as the bus came to a stop in front of them and they found some seats in the back.

Kaminari's excited nerves get the better of him while they were on the bus and his leg bounced up and down rapidly trying to expel some of the energy. He was blabbing on about something or other, Shinso would admit he wasn't listening. He just watched as Kaminari made some obscene hand gestures and nearly hit himself in the face.

"Love, calm down," Shinso said placing a hand on Kaminari's bouncing knee to still it while placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

Kaminari hummed a little. "But I'm just so excited! I want to go on all the rides and- why are you laughing?" Kaminari asked confused when Shinso started chuckling at the blond.

"It's nothing, you just sound like a little kid," he laughed. "Wanting to go on 'all' the rides."

Kaminari crossed his arms and huffed. "Well, I'm sorry if I haven't been to a fair in a really long time and am excited to be going with my boyfriend," Kaminari grumbled.

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