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"So you went from having a fake girlfriend to pretending to date a girl," Mina asked when they got back to the dorms after their outing. They had all checked with Shinso to make sure he had known and Kaminari was telling the truth.

"First, Watanabe isn't a girl, their non-binary, and second, yes I guess I have," Kaminari laughed a little as he sat with his back against the couch armrest and legs draped over Shinso's lap. "Our parents keep trying to set us up with people. And since I'm with Toshi and they don't want to date anyone ever we compromised."

"And I'd rather Denki pretend to date someone who has zero interest in dating than him go out with a new person every month," Shinso said shrugging.

The others seemed to understand. "Though, after some time my parents will probably try and set up some marriage but hopefully that will be once we're old enough to be on our own."

Mina sighed. "Why does it feel like Kami's in some sort of fanfiction?" She asked shaking her head a little. "I mean come on, all the cool stuff happens to you."

Kaminari shook his head. "If by cool do you mean having the most homophobic parents in the world who would probably put some sort of bounty on my head if I came out to them then I guess it's cool?" The blond just leant his head back and let out a sigh. "I wish I had parents like yours Toshi, or like Kirishima's."

It took a moment for Shinso to process what he was saying. "As in gay or accepting?" He asked.

"Either would work at this point."

"My moms may be gay but they're honestly too accepting at times, they keep trying to help me ask out boys they think I might like and being all noise," Kirishima said. "Love them to bits but it can be too much for a guy."

They laughed a little and the conversation continued. From what Kaminari knew his parents were the only ones in all of the parents in his friend group that wouldn't be accepting. Kirishima's were both gay, Mina's parents once took her to a pride parade with one of their trans friends so they wouldn't be alone, Bakugo's parents had never seemed like the type to care about who was dating who, and Sero's parents were always super chill with everything no matter what it was.

"One of your guy's families should just adopt me," Kaminari said. His friends laughed and so did Kaminari but they didn't know that the blond was a little serious about that.

Of course, he loved his parents, but he just couldn't deal with them anymore. They were always so bigoted and he was bound to snap one of these days, inevitably getting kicked out.

Shinso seemed to be the only one to hear the serious thread in his boyfriend's words. "We'll just move in together when we graduate, we'll be old enough then. You won't have to live with them again."

Kaminari let a small smile fall on his lips. "You do realize what you just agreed to, right?" Kaminari asked. "You wanna live with me."

Shinso just rolled his eyes. "I'll take it back," he said, but they both knew he wouldn't really.

"You know what would be fun?" Mina asked. They all turned their heads to their pink friend looking for more information on the question. "After high school, we all get an apartment together, or like a big house."

Kirishima laughed. "You do realize the amount of pure chaos that would come from us living in a house with our own rules right?"

They spent a long time talking about this. Though they all were fairly sure it would never happen, Kirishima, Mina, and Kaminari had even come up with how the sleeping arrangements would work and rent and food. What could they say? It was fun to think of. Not having rules they needed to follow, being able to take care of themselves.

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