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Shinso was helping Kaminari study for an upcoming test, and the blond was not enjoying it. His mind wandered in every direction as he tried to focus.

"Denki?" Shinso asked making Kaminari's look up from his paper. "Are you ok? You've been staring at that question for 45 minutes without writing anything."

"What? Oh ya, I'm fine, I just can't focus on the words," he said sounding a little mad at his math problem. "Wait it's been 45 minutes?"

"Are you sure you're ok?" Shinso asked again. "Do you want to take a break?"

Kaminari looked down at his math work and back up at his boyfriend. "Ya, a break would be good right about now," Kaminari said putting down his pencil.

"I'll get us some water, be back in a sec," Shinso said getting up to get some water. Kaminari stacked his papers and sat on Shinso's bed before flopping onto his back and staring at the ceiling.

He heard the tap in the washroom running before getting turned off and Shinso came into the bedroom with two cups. "Toshi?" Kaminari asked.

"Ya Denki?" Shinso replied taking a sip of his water before putting it on the bedside table.

Kaminari's brows furrowed as if he were deep in thought. "Toshi."

Shinso looked at him slightly confused. "Denki?"

Kaminari sat up at stared into Shinso's eyes. "Toshi."

"What is it Denki?" Shinso asked now extremely confused.

"Why don't you have a nickname for me?" Kaminari asked.

Shinso raised an eyebrow. "A nickname?" Shinso asked sitting beside Kaminari.

Kaminari nodded. "Ya, I call you Toshi, but you don't have a nickname for me," he said.

"Do you want a nickname?" Shinso asked.

"Ya, I want you to give me a nickname," Kaminari said smiling a little. There was a tint of blush on his face that made his smile just that much cuter.

Shinso thought for a moment trying to think of a nickname to make his boyfriend happy. "I did give you one," Shinso said after a moment.

"What? No, you haven't," Kaminari said getting confused.

"Kitten," Shinso said simply. Kaminari's face went bright red at the mention of that name.

"W-wa- n-no that's not- that only for when- when we... you know... do s-stuff... in... bed," Kaminari's voice got quieter and quieter as he spoke. Shinso thought this was cute and wanted to tease more.

Shinso leaned forward with a small smirk pulling at his lips. "I don't know if I'm following, Kitten," Shinso said again in a teasing tone.

Kaminari's face somehow got redder. "S-stop, you know what I mean," Kaminari said pushing Shinso's face away playfully.

Shinso laughed. "Fine," he said. "What about..." another smirk formed on his lips. "Baby?" He asked. "Or... my prince?" Shinso continued. He slowly pushed Kaminari onto his back while getting on top of him.

"Toshi, s-stop," Kaminari said quietly. He covered his red face with his hands.

Shinso laughed a little and lent down to his ear. "What about angel?" He asked. "Or maybe love?"

Kaminari peaked through his fingers still extremely red in the face. "I-I like love," he said though it was muffled a little since his hands also covered some of his mouth.

Shinso smiled and kissed just above Kaminari's hands. "Ok, love it is," he said. Carefully Shinso moved Kaminari's hands from his face and pinned them just above his head. Shinso kissed Kaminari on his lips.

Kaminari was quick to kiss back getting addicted by the sweet taste of Shinso's lips.

Then a knock came at the door making them both groan in annoyance. "Yo Shinso you in there? Mr. Aizawa needs to talk to you about something," it was Kirishima.

Shinso got off Kaminari with a sigh and headed to the door while his boyfriend made it look like they were studying.

Shinso opened the door looking less than impressed, but then again, that's how he usually looked. "Do you know what Mr. Aizawa wants?" Shinso asked the redhead.

"No, he just asked me to come to get you," Kirishima said. "Oh hay Kami," Kirishima greeted when he saw Kaminari behind Shinso.

"Hey dude," Kaminari greets. He was still a little red in the face but Kirishima brushed it off.

Shinso turned back to Kaminari. "If you want you can keep studying in here, I'll be back in a few minutes," Shinso said before going off to find his dad.

Kaminari waved goodbye and started picking up his stuff for the second time.

"You and Shinso seem to be close," Kirishima noted. He was still standing just outside the door.

"Ya, he's a cool guy," Kaminari agreed.

"I bet you told Shinso who your dating," Kirishima said. "Maybe that's why he never asks about it." It was in a playful tone so Kaminari knew he didn't really mean it.

"No, I haven't. No one in the class knows," Kaminari lied.

With a sigh, Kirishima said goodbye and left Kaminari to bring his stuff back to his dorm.

(one more after this!! Hope you're all ready!)

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