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"Oh my god, I feel so free!" Kaminari exclaimed jumping onto his bed. "They can't tell me what to do anymore!"

Shinso couldn't help but chuckle softly at his boyfriend. He had expected Kaminari to be freaking out since his parents just told him he wasn't their son anymore, but he wasn't. Kaminari was happy, he was somehow happy.

"What are you laughing at?" The blond asked, propping himself up on his elbows to look at his boyfriend.

Shinso lent over Kaminari, putting his hands on either side of his boyfriend. "You," he said with a small smirk, kissing him softly. "You're cute when you're happy."

Shinso rolled to the side, laying beside Kaminari. "I'm cute when I'm happy?" Kaminari asked, now leaning over Shinso.

"Yeah," Shinso answered. "But..."


"You know I sort of thought you would have taken it harder."

Kaminari smiled sadly. "I knew what would happen, so I wasn't shocked," Kaminari told him. "Sure I'm a little sad that they don't accept me, I mean they're my parents, they're supposed to support me.... but if my parents don't accept me then that's their problem, not mine."

Shinso pulled him into a hug. No one should have to worry about their parents not accepting them, especially not Kaminari. "If you wanna talk about it..."

"It's fine." The longer he talked the more choked his words became. "I just want to be with you right now, I don't want to talk about it."

Shinso nodded his head, holding him a little tighter. "Ok." He pushed some of the blond's hair to the side and kissed his forehead. "I'll be here if you do."

"I know," Kaminari said quietly. "I know. Now cuddle me, I want you to cuddle me."

Shinso smiled softly, cuddling with Kaminari, but after a few minutes of silence, Shinso started to feel tears soaking into his shirt where Kaminari was laying. He hugged Shinso tightly, trying his best not to shake and give away that he was crying, but as soon as Shinso started to run a hand through his hair in an attempt to comfort him all emotion spring free.

Shinso wasn't sure what to do. Kaminari was usually happy-go-lucky. He had helped with panic and anxiety but sadness wasn't an emotion he saw on the blond often. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Shinso asked, shifting so the two were sitting up, Shinso leaning against the wall while Kaminari still cried into his chest.

Kaminari shook his head. "J-just don't- don't leave," he choked out through a small sob. Sure he had been expecting the worst from his parents, but to have it happen made it hard for Kaminari to stay happy. Sure, he was finally free from their nagging and persistence in him getting a rich girlfriend, free from their judgmental glares when he dared to do anything that wasn't up to their standards, but they were still his parents.

"I won't leave," Shinso said softly. "I'm here for you, always."

Kaminari nodded, grateful he had someone like Shinso by his side. "Thank you, Hitoshi." Shinso hummed softly, still running his hand through Kaminari's hair.

Maybe it was because he was tired, maybe it was because he was comfortable, maybe it was something else, but Kaminari ended up falling asleep in Shinso's arms. Shinso didn't mind, Kaminari had had a long day, he deserved to feel comfortable and loved and rest in the arms of his boyfriend.

Shinso also ended up falling asleep, his face buried in Kaminari's hair while the blond was still cuddled in his chest.

The two slept for a while and were only woken up when Kaminari's phone went off.


Kaminari sighed, pushing himself off Shinso as he slowly woke up.

Kaminari looked at his phone and froze. Nope, he was not ready for this conversation yet. He declined the phone call.

"Who was it?" Shinso asked, sitting up properly as he regained the feeling in his arm that had fallen asleep.

Kaminari stared a moment longer at the now black screen. "My mom," he said quietly. "She's just going to yell at me, I don't want to deal with that."

Shinso nodded in understanding. "I see."

Kaminari tossed his phone to the other side of the bed and forced a smile as he looked back at Shinso. "It's fine, she doesn't control me anymore, I don't have to pick up."


"I mean, if all she's going to do is yell at me and try and convince me I'm straight and don't actually love you then I don't want to talk with her, I mean, she already- she's basically disowned me already."

Shinso sighed, he didn't like seeing his boyfriend like this, he wasn't himself.

"She doesn't have the right to be in my life anymore, not if she's not even trying to understand my feelings."

The phone rang again and was, once again, denied.

"She's not going to stop calling."

"And I won't stop declining."

He was stubborn, Shinso will give him that. "Then I'll answer it."

"What?" Kaminari asked. "Why?"

Shinso shrugged. "I wanna see if I can change her mind." No, Shinso actually wanted to yell at her for making his boyfriend cry and feel like he wasn't worth the love of his parents.

Kaminari cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah right." Another phone call was denied.

"Ok maybe that's not the only reason, but it is part of the reason."

Kaminari hummed softly, taking his phone and handing it to Shinso. "Ok, fine."

This time when there was a phone call Shinso picked it up, immediately getting yelled at. "Denki Kaminari! You do not ignore your mother's calls you fag! It is rude and we taught you better than that!"

"Hello Mrs. Kaminari, but Denki's not the one who picked up," Shinso told her. He already felt like blowing up at her for calling Kaminari a fag, but he had to wait his turn.

"You," she growled. "You're that son of a bitch that turned my son into that abomination! How dare you mess with our family!"

"Denki is not an abomination."

"Denki does not love you any more than a fish loves air, stop poisoning his mind and give the phone to him."

Shinso rolled his eyes. "The only one poisoning Denki is you. You make him think he's not good enough, you make him believe he's an abomination, you make him someone he's not. Denki's more than just someone you can boss around and make do you're bidding."

Kaminari smiled softly at his boyfriend.

"You know nothing about Denki, I'm the one who raised him, I get to make these decisions for him. He's my son and I love him."

"You're the one that forced him into a relationship with Aki just so you could get a share of the money. You don't love him, you love money. Don't call again unless you're apologizing, goodbye." Shinso hung up and was immediately attacked with a hug from Kaminari.

"You're the best," Kaminari muttered into Shinso's shoulder.

"It's not right that she can say that stuff about you. You're so much better than she thinks you are."

Kaminari hummed softly, hugging Shinso a little tighter. "Thank you, Hitoshi."

"Of course Denki, any time."

(posted May 31, 2021)

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