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Kaminari walked into the common room, seeing the familiar mess of purple hair and let out a small sigh of relief to see him again. The blond went to sit in his boyfriend's lap, hugging him tightly around the torso as he nestled his face into his neck.

Though Shinso wasn't opposed to this, he was a little worried. "You ok Denki?" He asked softly, letting his hands fall on Kaminari's back and rub small circles.

"My parents were there," he muttered. "I can only handle one set of fucked up parents at a time." His arms tightened around Shinso. Kaminari had just gotten back from dinner with the Watanabe's and his parents, though, he hadn't known his parents would be there until he walked through the door, so he hadn't been able to prepare the way he normally could.

"That bad huh?" Shinso asked, rubbing his hand up and down Kaminari's back in a calming motion. If him coming and sitting in Shinso's lap to cuddle the way he was, wasn't an indicator, then the swearing definitely was. It wasn't that the blond didn't swear, Shinso had heard a few choice words come from his mouth, it was that it was a rare occurrence, and he was pretty sure it had something to do with how strict his parents were.

Kaminari nodded into Shinso's shoulder. "Yeah," he muttered. "I ended up yelling at them."

"Well I'm glad you're back," Shinso muttered softly, kissing the side of Kaminari's head. "And now you don't have to worry about seeing them again for a while."

Kaminari shook his head. "My parents are going to want to have one of their talks with me, I wasn't exactly the mottle son they wanted me to be tonight."

Shinso hadn't heard much about these "talks" but he had heard enough to assume what that meant. Yelling, and degrading, are some of the words he had heard Kaminari describe these talks as. If Shinso was telling the truth he just wanted to have his own talk with Kaminari's parents that would probably end in him brainwashing them for everything they had put their son through. He wanted them to know Shinso wasn't going to just stand by and watch as they verbally abused his boyfriend, even if at this moment they didn't know Shinso was his boyfriend.

"You... You could tell them," he whispered without thinking. He just wanted Kaminari the be happy and be able to be himself, he wouldn't be able to do that with his parents always on his ass trying to get him to do what they wanted.

Kaminari pulled back to look Shinso in the eyes. "Tell them? That I'm dating you and not Aki?" Shinso couldn't help but notice how they were now on a first-name basis. "You know what they would do if I did that, and Aki would probably be put through worse, I can't do that to them."

Shinso looked down and sighed. He knew that, and he didn't want to be the reason anyone was disowned or hated by their parents, but he also hated seeing Kaminari pretend to date someone else. There were multiple times he had to remind himself that in the end, he had ok'd this and this wasn't cheating because they weren't really dating. "I shouldn't have asked," he muttered.

Kaminari studied his boyfriend for a moment. "You're not completely ok with me and Aki... are you?" He asked quietly.

Shinso looked back up trying to find the right words so he didn't hurt Kaminari. "I'm trying to be," he started, picking every word carefully. "I am, I know this thing you guys have isn't going anywhere, and it's the equivalent to hanging out with a friend. I know that. But..."

"It doesn't feel the same when I'm going on fake dates with them," he filled in when Shinso didn't finish.

"I get this is probably easier and better than having your parents set you up on more dates or telling them your bi or any of that, so I'm trying to be ok with it all," Shinso explained. "I am."

Kaminari gave him a small smile. "I know," he said, kissing him lightly on the lips. "I can talk with Aki about it, we can figure something out. I don't want you feeling uncomfortable."

Shinso gave him a small smile. "You really are the best boyfriend I could have," he muttered giving him another kiss on the lips. "I will never understand why you want to date someone like me."

Kaminari leant forward, resting his forehead against Shinso's. "I'm dating someone like you because you are amazing and I love you more than you could know."

"You don't need to talk with Aki about telling your parents, I don't want to be the reason anything bad happens."

"You won't be, we'll figure something out, and worst comes to worst I'll just crash at your place when we're not in the dorms. I'm sure Mr. Aizawa wouldn't mind." He tried to laugh it off, but Shinso could tell he was only joking to try and lighten the mood.

Shinso gave a sad smile. "You do too much for me."

"I'm barely doing anything," Kaminari told him. "I've wanted to tell my parents I was bi for a while now anyway, and Aki was talking about doing something with our relationship since our parents want us to get married when we graduate high school."

"Married?" Shinso asked almost shocked.

Kaminari hummed, "yeah, they're not even giving us a say in the situation. That's why I yelled at them. We had thought they would at least give us the curtesy of letting us choose how fast we'd move, but apparently, all my parents are worried about is the money the Watanabe's have and all their parents are worried about is having the family name when I'm a hero I guess."

Shinso had known that he was fortunate to grow up with the family he had, loving, accepting, caring. It didn't always compute in his brain that some families are like this, forcing their children into things just to complete their own agenda. Sure he hadn't had a great first 5 or so years of his life, but those were faded memories that didn't pop up often. "If I can help I will," he told Kaminari.

He just grinned back at Shinso. "I'll make sure to tell you if you can," he said. "But for now..." he leant in and kissed him on the lips. "Just being here..." he kissed him again. "Is enough for me." Once again Shinso was kissed on the lips but this time it was held longer than before, Kaminari's hands coming up to cup his boyfriend's face as he tilted his head deepening the kiss.

When they pulled away Shinso just gave him a small smile. "Ok," he said. "I'll be here for you when you need me."

Kaminari kissed him again, letting his arms fall to wrap around Shinso's neck loosely. "God, you're so cheesy."

"Telling you I'm here for you is cheesy?"

"Compared to usual yes," the blond told him. "But I like it when you get all lovey-dovey, it's not a side of you I see often."

"I'll keep that in mind." Shinso kissed him yet again, just happy he was able to bring his boyfriend's mood back up from the dumps it had been in when he got back to the dorms.

(Published April 28, 2021)

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