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(that's right you guys get two chapters today! I had two days off from school so I got ahead in writing!)

"Who ya texting?" Mina asked, flopping down on the couch beside Kaminari and looking over his shoulder. He just so happened to be texting Shinso at the moment but didn't bother trying to hide it this time.

"T," he said simply. It was the name of Shinso's contact.

"T? Is that your girlfriend?" Mina asked.

"Wait, Kaminari has a girlfriend?" Jiro asked from the couch in front of them. "How did that happen?"

"Don't know, I found out about her yesterday," Mina said.

Kaminari turned off his phone. "It happened because we both like each other," Kamianri said, answering Jiro's question.

"I bet she's fake, trying to get someone jealous," Uraraka said, joining the conversation. Technically she was fake in the sense that 'she' wasn't a she. "Do you have any proof lover boy?"

"I don't need to give you proof I'm dating someone," Kamianri said.

"Do we get to meet this so-called girlfriend?" someone asked from behind Kaminari. It was Momo, she was leaning on the couch curiously. Kaminari wondered how his morning had become 'class 1-a girls interrogated him about his love life'

"Apparently they don't want to be public yet," Mina said. "Did you talk to her about it? I want to meet her," Mina said, adjusting her position on the couch so her feet rested across Kaminari's lap.

"I think it will be a little bit till we are going to go public," Kaminari said truthfully.

"Wait, Kaminari got a girlfriend?" a familiar grape boy asked, coming up to the couch and making the other girls back away. "And you didn't tell me, dude? Does she have nice boobs? Have you guys done it yet? What's she like in bed?"

"And I'm out," Jiro said leaving the common room, the other girls following.

"You have officially been banned from asking me anything about my relationship," Kaminari said getting up. He couldn't believe that he had been friends with the pervert at the beginning of the year.

"Wait dude I need to know," the perv said following Kaminari as he headed to his room to get ready for school.

"No, you don't, that is very private information I am not going to give you."

"Come on dude we're best friends," he said, still trailing behind the electric blond. "I just want to know the juicy stuff like what's her cup size?"

"Ok first of all we were never best friends, and second we haven't even been friends since you groped Mina, and even before that you were on thin wire harassing all the other girls," Kaminari informed his classmate. "And even if we were, I wouldn't tell you in a thousand years, that stuff is private."

"You're such a buzzkill."

"And your such a pervert," Kaminari said before closing his dorm door in Minet*s face. That perv is going to be so shocked when he finds out Kaminari is dating Shinso and not some girl. Even if he were dating a girl Mine*a would be the last person he would want to tell.

Kaminari packed his bag for school and headed back to the common room. The Bakusquad and he left the dorms to head to class.

They found Aizawa lying on the floor in his sleeping bag and about half of their classmates already in class and talking.

"I wonder what today's lesson will be," Sero said sitting in his seat. They all shrugged and talked while the rest of their classmates showed up.

When the bell rang a long grown came from their teacher as he rolled on the floor annoyed. "We have a transfer student coming from class 1-c, come on in," he told the person who was just outside the door.

When Kaminari heard class 1-c he perked up slightly. That was Shinso's class, and sure enough, his purple-haired insomniac boyfriend walked through the door.

Kaminari couldn't stop smiling. "I'm Shinso Hitoshi, I'm from class 1-c, it's nice to meet you all."

"This will be a free period, get to know your new classmate or whatever, I'm going to sleep."

Kaminari practically shot up from his seat to greet Shinso. He made sure not to do anything new friends wouldn't do. "You didn't tell us you were transferring," Kaminari said, referring to when they talked at lunch. Kaminari's words roughly translated to 'babe why didn't you tell me you were going to be in my class?'

"It didn't come up," Shinso said. Roughly translating to 'I wanted it to be a surprise.'

The rest of the class gathered around and started asking questions to either get to know Shinso or asking why he was transferred so suddenly. Kaminari heard one of the girls, he wasn't sure who, ask if Shinso was single to which Kaminari wanted to kiss Shinso right then and there to show he was taken.

"I'm not looking for a relationship," Shinso answered calmly, his eyes flickering to his boyfriend slightly.

Soon the class split up into their main friend groups and Shinso joined the Bakusquad again since they had talked the day before and that was who his boyfriend would be hanging out with. "Why didn't you mention it yesterday that you were transferring?" Mina asked, propping her feet up on her desk to which Iida yelled across the class to tell her that was very improper for someone to do.

"It never came up, plus I wasn't supposed to tell anyone till it happened," Shinso said.

"I guess that makes sense," Sero said.

"Are you happy to be in the hero course?" Kaminari asked, though he already knew that answer. Shinso had complained many times that he wasn't in the hero course.

"Definitely, though your class is a lot more... hyper then 1-c was," Shinso said.

"Just means it's never boring," Mina said.

"I think the constant villain attacks help it never be boring," Shinso said.

"It's not our fault the villains seem to love our class," Kaminari said, rolling his eyes slightly. Thankfully they haven't had all that many villain attacks recently, the last one would have been about a month ago and that one wasn't that bad.

"I think what they love is that All Might is your teacher."

"And now he's yours as well!" Kirishima said with a bright smile.

They continued talking. Kaminari was happy the Shinso seemed to fit right in with his classmates. "Are you going to be moving into our dorms?" Kaminari asked. It would be so much easier to sneak into Shinso's room if they were in the same building.

"Ya, I'm moving my stuff tonight," Shinso said

"Do you know what room you're in?" Sero asked.

"23 I think," Shinso said scratching his head trying to remember.

"That's right next to Kami," Mina said happily. She had no idea how happy this made Kaminrari. Shinso saw the small smirk on Kaminari's face and he had a feeling he knew what it was about.

(ok hope you guys liked this chapter! And I'll see you in the next post!)

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