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"I don't mind if you hang out with your friends, Denki," Shinso said when Kaminari had phoned him that night.

"But I also really want to hang out with you, we never get to hang out at school and this is my only opportunity," Kaminari said, staring up at his ceiling fan. "Do you see my predicament?"

"Denki I love you and I love hanging out with you, but you need to spend time with your friends as well," Shinso said. Kaminari sat up in slight shock, the silence made Shinso wonder if Kaminari was still there. "Denki? Did you hang up?"

"What did you just say?" Kaminari asked in a slight trance.

"Did you hang up?" Shinso asked, confused.

"No, no, no before that," Kaminari said, starting to smile.

"You need to spend time with your friends?" He had no idea what his boyfriend was trying to say.

"No, you said you loved me," Kaminari said.

Shinso's side of the line went quiet for a moment. "Is- is that ok?" He realized that was the first time either of them had said it.

Kaminari was grinning ear to ear. "Of course it is, I love you too Toshi," Kaminari said. "Man now I want to kiss you." Kaminari would totally sneak over to Shinso's dorm just for a kiss.

"I know what you're thinking, and no, it's already past curfew."

"You're no fun," Kaminari said.

"Don't you remember last time we snuck out?" Shinso asked. Kaminari could imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose in slight annoyance. He always thought it was cute when he did that. There was always a small smile still on his face and Kaminari loved it.



It was the middle of the night, way past curfew and both boys knew it. There was a path that ran behind the dorms that they had planned to meet on.

Denki was there first, and he was very excited about what he had planned. Shinso showed up not too long after.

"Were you waiting long?" He asked, walking up to Kaminari.

"Nah, maybe a few minutes," Kaminari said, tilting his head slightly to the side. In the dim light, it was hard to see but Kaminari knew there was probably a small smirk on the other's face. "Anyways, come on, I have something to show you," Kaminari said, taking Shinso's hand and pulling him off the path and into the trees.

"Denki, where are we going?" Shinso asked as the blond dragged him further and further away from the dorms.

Kaminari just flashed him a smile. Eventually, they made it to a small clearing. There wasn't a lot of room, but it was enough. There were fairy lights hung up in the trees, not many, but enough to light up the clearing a little.

Kaminari pulled something out of his pocket and placed it on the ground. Some soft music started to play.

"What are you doing?" Shinso asked, raising his eyebrows a bit with a small smile.

"Come on," was all Kaminari said before taking Shinso's hands and pulling him into the middle of the clearing.

"Denki, I told you before I don't dance," Shinso said, still smiling slightly at the sight of his boyfriend. The lights in the trees lit up his face perfectly, he was gorgeous.

"Please, just one song?" Kaminari asked, his hands creeping around the taller boys back.

Shinso looked down at Kaminari and sighed. He had done so much to set this up, how could he say no to the blond? "ok, one song."

Kaminari smiled before wrapping his arms around Shinso's neck and pulling him into a kiss. Shinso's hands wrapped around Kaminari's waist keeping him close as they swayed to the music.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Kaminari said resting his head on Shinso's chest. He felt like he hadn't said it enough, everyone needed to hear those words more often then they do.

"You're amazing too Denki, this is amazing, when did you set this up?" Shinso asked, looking around at the lights.

"After classes were let out," Kaminari said. "It wasn't that hard."

"Well, it's very nice. Thank you for doing this," Shinso said. Kaminari looked up at Shinso with a smile, then started laughing slightly.

"What?" Shinso asked. "Did I say something funny?" He asked, chuckling lightly even though he didn't know what his boyfriend was laughing at.

"No," Kaminari said. He lifted a hand to Shinso's head. "You have a few leaves in your hair," Kaminari said brushing them off.

"How did that happen?" Shinso asked himself, lifting his hand to his head. Kaminari laughed a little more at his confusion.

The music suddenly stopped making Shinso and Kaminari look to where the speaker was. There they saw a very tired and unimpressed looking Aizawa. They jumped away from each other as fast as they could. "What are you two doing out here so late?" He asked.

"W-we were just umm-" Kaminari didn't know what to say, they hadn't told Aizawa they were dating yet.

"Wait, how long have you two been together?" Aizawa changed the question as his brain processed what he had walked in on.

"A month," Shinso answered.

Aizawa sighed. "I'm too tired for this," he muttered. "Just get back to the dorms, we'll talk in the morning, and you need to clean this up later as well."

"Y-Yes sir," Kaminari said as Aizawa started to walk away. Shinso and Kaminari shared a look before Kaminari started laughing "I don't think he could have given less shit's," he laughed, making Shinso chuckle.

"Come on Denki, we should go back," Shinso said, placing a hand on his boyfriend's back.

"Ok," Kaminari said.


"That was a fun night," Kaminari said smiling at the memory.

"I won't deny it, but that doesn't mean we're doing it again, Dad would be really mad," Shinso said.

"Fine," Kaminari chuckled "maybe another time. But back to the problem at hand, what do I do?"

"You've spent the weekend with me for the past what? Two months? You can spend one day with your friends," Shinso said.

"Mmmmmmmmmffffffine," Kaminari said. "I'll spend Sunday with them, I already told Mina I couldn't hang out tomorrow."

"Good, now that that's done can I go to sleep? I'm really tired."

"You're always tired," Kaminari retorted with a laugh. "Good night Toshi, see you tomorrow... I love you," Kaminari said, happy that Shinso wasn't able to see him and his blushing face.

"Good night Denki, I love you too," Shinso said. The words made Kaminari feel giddy inside. He loved the way they sounded when Shinso said them.


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