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Kaminari had gotten tired of not being able to hang around his boyfriend at school so he had decided to ask him to eat lunch with his friends and make it look like they didn't know each other. Surprisingly though, he didn't have to do much to make that happen.

"Hey, you guys think he looks lonely?" Mina asked as they got in line for food. They looked to where she was looking and saw Shinso eating alone at a table. "He always seems to eat alone."

"You think we should ask if we can eat with him?" Kirishima asked.

Kaminari was overjoyed to hear this, he had been trying to figure out how to bring it up without it sounding like he knew Shinso. "I'd be down."

"Whatever," Bakugo said.

Sero also agreed and once they all got their food they headed over to Shinso's table.

"You mind if we sit with you?" Mina asked, placing her tray down.

Shinso looked up and made eye contact with Kaminari. If he was going to say anything it properly would have been 'are you serious?' But he just shrugged letting them sit around the table.

"Shinso right?" Sero asked.

Kaminari was trying to hide the joy he was feeling for finally being able to eat lunch with his boyfriend at school.

"Ya, Shinso Hitoshi," he introduced himself. They went around the circle introducing themselves.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself Kami?" Mina asked when she noticed Kaminari hadn't told the purple-haired boy his name yet.

"Oh right, Kaminari Denki," he said with a smile. Shinso rolled his eyes slightly. He would ask what was going on but their relationship was still private and he didn't want to somehow out themselves.

"You're in class 1-c right?" Kirishima asked before taking a bite of his chicken.

"Yep and you guys are in class 1-a," Shinso said, not paying attention to the conversation as much as he probably should.

Kaminari wanted to find something to say to Shinso but he couldn't think of anything that wasn't overly flirty.

They continued talking and Mina noticed how quiet Kaminari had gotten. "What's got you so lost in the clouds?" She asked snapping Kaminari out of his daze.

"What? Oh, nothing, just thinking," Kaminari said, waving his hands slightly.

"About?" Kirishima asked curiously.

"Probably his secret girlfriend," Sero said with a smirk. The comment made Shinso more interested in the conversation. Kaminari had told him they thought he had a girlfriend, and Kaminari planned to mess with them about it.

"I told you guys before, I don't have a secret girlfriend," Kaminari said.

"Then explain the blush Pikachu," Bakugo chimed in unexpectedly.

"Kami has a girlfriend! Kami has a girlfriend!" Mina started chanting, making Kaminari bury his face in his arms.

"Ok fine maybe I do have someone I'm dating," he muttered just loud enough for his friends to hear. He made sure to make it vague, he had to remind himself not to use he/him when talking about this mystery girlfriend he had.

Mina stopped her chanting and the table went quiet. Shinso sat back and watched it unfold.

"You WHAT?" Mina, Kirishima and Sero all asked at the same time. Bakugo honestly couldn't care less about his friends dating life. His friends clearly hadn't been expecting that answer from the blond.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Mina asked.

"Ya Dude we're your best friends."

"Speak for yourself," Bakugo grumbled.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you guys bombarding us with questions," Kaminari muttered. Shinso was impressed at how well Kaminari was playing his role. "And we kinda agreed to keep it on the down-low." It had been a while since Shinso had seen Kaminari such a blushing mess and he loved every second of it.

"So when can we meet her?" Sero asked.

"Ya! I want to know who this mystery girl is!" Mina said. Kirishima nodded along.

"As your best friends we gotta approve," Kirishima said.

"Maybe I'll talk with her..." he said, trying his hardest not to look over at Shinso to see how he had been reacting. "But I don't think she wants to be public..."

"Ugh so boring," Mina whined practically laying across the table and making them pick up their trays. "At least tell us something about the lucky girl, what's she like?"

"Ya, what's she like?" Shinso chimed in quietly making Kaminari blush a little harder.

"Well... she's kind, funny, great at cuddling," Kaminari started. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the small blush that was creeping up on Shinso's cheeks. He smirked slightly. "Great kisser."

"That's something I didn't need to know," Kirishima muttered. He only wanted to know about her personality, not the physical aspects of their relationship.

"I did, have you guys done it yet?" Mina asked, making Kaminari's face go bright red. Shinso choked on his drink and started having a coughing fit. Neither of them had expected that question to come up. Thankfully no one thought it was weird for Shinso to react like that, none of them were expecting that question to come up.

"W-what? Mina! You don't just ask someone that!" Kaminari said, flustered. At this point, it seemed like the prank was being pulled on Kaminari and not his friends. "No, we haven't," he muttered.

"How long have you been dating?" Sero asked.

"Two months," Kaminari said. "Now can we change the topic?"

"What? No, I want more details!" Mina said.

"Ya, tell us more about this mystery girl," Kirishima said.

Kaminari rolled his eyes. "You guys are so annoying," he muttered.

"But you love us," Mina cooed.

"I never said that," Kaminari jokes.

The three who actually cared pretended to be hurt by the comment. Shinso shook his head with a small smile. "You guys are so weird," Shinso said.

"Is that a bad thing?" Mina asked. Kaminari was happy that they had successfully changed the subject, but now it looked like Mina was going to go after Shinso for that comment.

"No, never," Shinso said, putting his hands up in defence. "Weird is great," he said. Kaminari liked that Shinso seemed to be fitting in with his friends already, it made him happy.

Mina eyed Shinso a little longer then turned back to Kaminari. "Back to the topic at hand, does this mystery girl have a name?"

(⚠️Spoiler warning for the manga...
So it was confirmed that Dabi was Touya... I don't know what to say about that. Like I knew he was I've been thinking it for as long as I've been in this fandom but it was actually CONFIRMED?? it's just not processing in my brain like??) (technically it's in the anime too now with the new episode so that's cool, haven't seen it yet tho-)

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