46. In a surprise

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"SURPRISE!" I jump in shock once I open the door of Charles's apartment. Finding every one of my friends smiling at me.
Charles is the first one to envelop me in a hug, with a huge smile on his face, revealing it was his idea.

Brandon has a birthday hat and 'happy bday' written on his forehead with red lipstick. He's already tipsy when he hugs me. I notice other friends as well. A few high school classmates here and there. I take my time until I cheer them all, hugging and thanking everyone. While searching for the one person I want to see the most. And after I complete the tour, I realize he is not there.

Liam comes from the bathroom, walking slowly in my direction with a huge smile. He's wearing a birthday hat like Brandon, but on his forehead, it's written 'Kels's bitch'. I'm already giggling when he lifts me up and hugs me.

He's smiling so brightly, it's wrinkling even his forehead. He informs me he's the one responsible for the drinks tonight. Char is responsible for the food and Dani, for the music.

I watch my friends arranging everything. Dani was with me having drinks in a bar before and now she's setting the playlist for tonight.

Liam has spread some ingredients and beverages around the living room, enabling him to prepare the drinks anywhere. Just because he despises being isolated in the kitchen. He sets bowls containing ice cubs in each corner of the living room, instead of placing them in the freezer. I don't say a word, but I know Char will argue with him about it.
Liam doesn't mind preparing any specific drink. I observe him mixing the ingredients that are closer and then giving the cup to the person who requested. I've noticed some frowns and grimaces after people tasted it. I suppose I should be glad the ingredients close to him when he has prepared mine were lemon, mint, and what I assume was vodka.

"What's up?" Liam asked me, filling my cup again.

"Nothing much," I reply.

"Nothing much? She's back on the soccer team!" Dani reveals proudly and loudly.

"That's good news!"

"Yeah. Well, I'll play next week's match and I would be back if I don't get the coach disappointed", I explained.

"When and where?" Liam asks me.

"Tuesday night, at the college field."

"I'll be there!" He tells me, moving his fist on air for some reason I don't comprehend. He is drunker than me, probably in his head, it makes sense.

"And you? What's up Liam?"

"I got a job," he tells me grinning. "And I drink to that!" He now raises his plastic cup and drinks it all. Boy, he is out already and he instantly fills up his cup again.

"Congrats! You deserve it-," I start complimenting him, but he cuts me before I finish. "And you Dani? Got over me?" He places his arm around her shoulder.

God, he is too drunk. Drunk Liam hits on everyone and everything. Once I had to hide my mother's fern when he got wasted in our house. He kept hugging it and caressing it, and talking with the plant, not minding it didn't reply.

The next day he kept asking about a girl with long hair. And yes it was the fern he was talking about.

"Over you? I was never on you," she replies. And he raises his brows. "Maybe under you, but it has been so fast. I barely remember." She finishes winking, Liam snorting, me laughing and Dani excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

"Damn you girls, you know how to break a guy's heart," he states placing his hand on his heart and taking another sip of his drink. He grins right after, proving his heart is quite intact.

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