chapter 12

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Luke's POV
I went to visit my mom and dad when I saw Julie at the door.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I wanted to know more about you. I was worried about you," she said
'Aww, she was worried about me' I thought.
"Alex and Reggie brought me here on the day of your birthday." she said.
"You were spying on me? All your talk about boundaries, and you spy on me."
I said getting mad.
"Luke, I'm worried about you. I found the song unsaid Emily, and another song
you wrote about Rose. Since I couldn't give the song to Rose, I thought I'd
help with giving the song you wrote about your mom to her" she said.
I started getting worried, I wrote about Rose's secret. How far did she read?
"Uh, Julie, how far in the song I wrote about Rose did you read?" I asked.
"A couple of lines until Alex snatched it from me. Why?" She asked.
'So she doesn't know. I'll have to thank Alex later,' I thought.
"No reason," I said.
"Do you trust me Luke?" She asked, holding the unsaid Emily paper up.
I rang the doorbell.
Rose's POV
"Edward I can't just sit here and not see them and not let them know about Alice's vision," I said.
"She'll be fine Edward. I saw it," Alice said.
"Fine. but once you start losing control, you have to come back here," Edward said.
"I will," I said.
He nodded, indicating that I could go.
Luke's POV
After what happened with Julie, I decided to go to the studio, but then I heard my name be called.
"Rose?" I whispered.
She beckoned me over to her.
"What are you doing here? I thought something had happened to you." I said.
"I needed to talk to you. The stamp Caleb gave me, it's making me stay away from you," she said.
"Is that the only reason you came? Too tell me that?" I asked.
"No. the orpheum isn't your unfinished business. You guys are destined to be vampires," she said.
"Wait how?" I asked.
"She gave me a look basically saying "you know how Luke."
"Alice had a vision. Didn't she?" I asked.
She nodded.
Then I saw her do something only newborns do when they're thirsty. She rubbed her throat.
"I need to go before I do something I'll regret," she said.
I nodded.
"Wait, before you go, did Alice have a vision if you would turn us or not?" I asked.
"Not yet. I'll have Jasper or Alice come to let you know. Share the news with the other two," she said.
I nodded.
After that she left.
'Stupid Caleb. Stamping Rose like that' I thought,

One more chapter of JATP and then that's when it will be all Twilight

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