chapter 17

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Edward's POV

"I'm worried about her," Esme said.

"I am too. She's never gone this long, except to go to school where her friends Julie and Flynn are," Carlisle said.

"I'm gonna go look for her," I said.

"No need, She's coming in," Alice said.

And she was right. Rose walked into the door with the boys trailing behind her.

"Rose. I am really really sorry," I said trying to go up to her. But Luke stopped me

"That's far enough," he sneered.

"Luke, you have to know I didn't mean to hurt her. I know Bella is her best friend. And she will be changed. Trust me," I said.

"How do you know?" Rose said. Speaking for the first time.

"When me and Carlisle went to wash off the blood, we noticed that her heart was still a little bit beating," I said.

"How? Jake said she was dead?" She said.

"The venom must have tooken control," Carlisle said.

"So, your saying, she'll be one of us?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Can I see her?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, I'll take you too her," Carlisle said.

We watched them go into the room.

"I still don't want you around her," Luke said motioning to Rose.

"Why? I apologized," I said.

"Just cause you apologized doesn't make everything okay. I lost her once and I'm not losing her again," he said.

"You won't Luke," I said.

"We know how much you care about Rose. We all do," Esme said.

"Its not just that. When Caleb put that stupid stamp on her, she couldn't be around me, or the guys. You don't know how much that hurt us. Especially me," he said.

"Sounds to me like someone has a crush," Alice said.

"No, she's like my little sister. She told me about going to the voltori and asking permission to change us when she became one, but when it came time she couldn't cause she was a newborn," he said.

"Bro, she's like our sister as well. We'd never let anything harm her," Emmett said walking in with Rosalie.

"Guys, do you think the voltori got a word of what Caleb did?" Reggie asked.

"I sure hope so. That ghost needs to be taught a lesson," Luke said.

"Luke, how about once Rose is done seeing Bella, you two go hunt. You look like you two have a lot of catching up to do," I said.

"You mean that?" He asked. Shocked I even offered.

"Yeah. But stay in our territory. Just cause you weren't here for the whole baby drama doesn't mean Sam will like Vampires being on there terf," I said.

He nodded in understanding.

Rose and Carlisle came back out to the living room.

Luke's POV

"Hey Rose, wanna go out for a bit?" I asked.

What do you think Rose will say?

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