chapter 16

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Jacob's POV

As I helped Edward with delivering the baby, and it was a girl, I noticed that Bella wasn't breathing.

"Bella?" I asked.

"Bella?" I asked again scared.

I stared doing CPR on her.

Edward then injected her with something.

"What is that?" I asked.

"My venom," he said.

He started doing CPR, but nothing worked.

"I won't kill you, ill let you live with this," I said before walking out.

"Jacob," he called to me.

"What?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Please. Don't tell Rose. She'll hate me," he said.

"She's gonna find out once I walk out that door," I said and left.

I sat on the ground and cried.

Rose looked at me.

"She didn't make it did she," she said upset.

I shook my head no. And Luke hugged her.

She kept on saying "I hate him," over and over while hugging Luke.

If she was still human, she would have been crying. I got up and went after Renessme. When I looked into her eyes, I lost it. I fell to my knees. I just imprinted on Renessme.

Rose's POV

"Do you guys want to hang out somewhere? Just the four of us?" I asked Luke, Alex and , Reggie.

They nodded and we left. We still stayed on vampire land just incase.

"You doing okay?" Reggie asked me.

"I'll be fine Reg. I just hope that she's not dead and she could be changed," I said.

"Wait do you hear that?" Luke asked me.

"Probably Sam's pack," I said.

"There gonna go after the Cullens," Reggie said.

"Edward killed my best friend, that's on them. I know you think I'm being mean but you'd do the same if that was me," I said.

"I know I would," Luke said.

Edward's POV

We were all outside. Waiting to take on the wolves. When we realized. Rose, Luke, Alex, and Reggie were nowhere to be seen.

After the wolf fight, I took Jake off to the side to ask if he seen Rose. And he said he didnt.

"She's probably gonna hate me now," I said.

"Edward, she'll forgive you. Bella is Rose's best friend. She's just hurt," Alice said.

"Do you know where she is?" I asked.

"Somewhere in the woods. Luke, Alex, and Reggie are with her," she said.

I nodded.

"I'll give her time to cool down. Maybe then she'll come back," I said.

What an emotional chapter. Am I right?

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