chapter 9

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When I got to the studio Saturday afternoon. I was nervous.
When I walked in, I saw Luke, Alex, Reggie, Julie, and Flynn all sitting in the studio.
The song I was gonna do, is Count me in.
"So, what's the name of the song?" Flynn asked.
"Can't say. It's a surprise," I said.

Time skip to after the song
"What made you write that?" Julie asked.
"When our school had the talent show last year, you and Flynn both helped me get over my stage fright. And that was the only way to thank you," I said.
" You didn't have to thank us, but we appreciate it," Julie said.
"That song was really good. Do you have any other ones?" Alex asked me.
"Yeah, but I don't feel comfortable performing them at the moment," I said.
"Oh Rose, I forgot to tell you, Flynn got me and the boys a gig to play at the dance," Julie said.
"Awsome, if I can go, I'll be cheering you on from the audience," I said.
"why not perform with us?" Luke asked.
"I can't. Not yet," I said.
He looked down, upset.
"Trust me, when I'm ready to perform. I'll have Julie let you know," I said.
"Wait, why do I have to tell him?" she asked.
I shrugged.

Time skip to just me, Julie, and the boys in the studio
"Oh, remind us later we have some sunset curve songs we want to show you," Luke said.
"Ooh. show me now," Julie said.
"Yeah, okay," Luke said.
I wasn't really paying attention after that.
So, it turns out, Bobby, Trevor wilson, stole the songs Luke wrote. I told them that if they had gone anywhere after they haunted Trevor, to bring me along just in case.

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