chapter 4

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The next day Rose's POV
I was at my locker putting books away. When I closed it, Luke was behind my locker door.
"Ah! You've gotta stop doing that. You know what happens when a vampire gets scared," I said.
"Sorry," he said and chuckled a little.
"It's fine," I said.
"So, what was it you wanted to ask me?" He asked.
"I can't ask you here. Can you maybe meet me in my room?" I asked.
"I can, if Julie tells Alex she made it into the music program. She sang this morning" he said.
"Finally," I said happily.
He laughed.
"So, maybe I'll see you tonight?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said.
I walked to class, hoping he would come over.
That night Rose's POV
I was doing homework like I did last night when Luke came in. But tonight, he didn't show up.
"Maybe Julie didn't get back into the music program," I thought
After I got done with my homework, I went to bed. I couldn't wait for him much longer. I had to get some sleep since I was performing at the spirit rally the next day.
The next day Julie's POV
I walked to school, ready to show the teacher that I belonged at this school. I walked into music class, not seeing anyone but Flynn.
"Hey where is everyone?" I asked.
"There all at the spirit rally, I wasn't feeling peppy, so I didn't go," she said.
"Rose is performing," I said, hoping to make her a little excited.
"But she's not you," Flynn said.
"Well I was gonna play for the teacher but I guess I lost my chance," I said.
"No you didn't," she said.
I looked at her confused as we went to the gym.

Sorry for the late update. I had a hard time planning this chapter

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