chapter 14

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Rose's POV
As I was waiting for the boys transformation to be done, I was helping Bella with her pregnancy.
"Bella, are you sure you can handle this?" I asked her.
"I'm positive. Please don't be like Edward and Jacob and talk me out of it," she said.
"I'm not. I'm just worried about you," I said.
"She's fine Rose. With having a child, you break a few ribs," Rosalie said.
"The baby is supposed to make you gain weight, not lose it to show your bones," I said.
"Thank you. At least someone gets it," Edward said.
"Bella, I'm not against you having this kid, but we need to get your strength up," I said.
"You might be right," Edward said to Jake.
"What did he say?" I asked.
"I said that the baby is just looking for someone to sink its teeth into," Jake said.
"He's thirsty," Bella confirmed.
"Then it's not gonna want animal blood for its thirst," I said.
Alice brought Jasper into the other room, and Edward handed Bella the cup of Blood.

Alice brought Jasper into the other room, and Edward handed Bella the cup of Blood

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"Well?" I asked her.
"It's..... Good," she said and kept drinking it.
"And your pulse is already getting stronger," Carlisle said.
"Bells. You're gonna make it," I said happily and hugged her.
"Let's hope so," Jake said.
The next day I went to check on the boys. My bite mark had faded which meant that it had worked.
"They'll be waking up tomorrow," Carlisle said.
"Isn't that when Bella delivers?" I asked.
"Yeah, and we're on the last pint of blood," he said.
"So, what are we gonna do? If me and the boys leave to hunt, they'll destroy us," I said.
Jacob came into the room.
"Sam doesn't see you as a threat since you weren't here for most of it. He knows it was Caleb's doing," he said.
"So, me and the boys can hunt and I can get the pint of blood for Bella," I said.
"Yeah. You're our only hope Rose," Carlisle said.
"I'll do it, but Alice and Jasper have to be there to help them hunt," I said.
"That was the plan before, so it won't look suspicious," Jake said.
We go back into the living room and tell everyone the plan.
"Bells, I just want you to know, if I was still human, I'd give up a pint of blood for you in a heartbeat," I told her.
"I know you would," she said.
Now we wait till tomorrow to tell the boys the news.

You guys are gonna be in for a treat next chapter

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