chapter 2

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"We have one last performance. Julie," our teacher said.
Julie looked up.
"Can I maybe perform again? I feel like what I did wasn't all that good," I said.
"You did fine Rose," our teacher said.
"I tried," I whispered to Julie.
Julie got up and went to the piano. She was about to play but then she got up.
Me and Flynn got up too.
" I can't," Julie said.
"Is this when we clap?" Carrie asked.
"Watch it Carrie," Flynn said.
After that, Julie ran out of the classroom.
Flynn followed her.
"You know Carrie, you really need to learn when to keep things to yourself," I said before going after Julie and Flynn. But before I can Carrie says,
"Yeah? And who's gonna stop me?"
I turned around.
"A little thing called Karma," I said and walked out.

Later on

I was doing homework when Julie texted me 911.
911 is our code for i need help, so, I went over to her house.
"What's wrong?" I asked her as soon as I went into her room.
"Come with me," she said with a cross in her hand.
So, we went into her mom's studio. When we did, I seen a CD of my best friend's band "Sunset Curve."
"Hey, you okay?" Julie asked me.
"Yeah, I was wondering if this disk is any good," I said, picking up the CD.
"That's the disk I had playing when I saw 3 ghosts," Julie said.
"So where are they now?" I asked.
"I don't know but I know I saw something I'm not crazy," she said.
"Well, we are all a little crazy," a voice behind us said.
We turned around, well, I turned around, Julie jumped a bit before turning around, and that's when I saw my best friend Luke.
Julie, you don't need that cross," I said.
"Why?" she asked.
"These spirits wont hurt you," I said.
"How do you know?" she asked.
"Look at them. They're harmless," I said.
"Sorry to interrupt," Alex says.
"But why are you in our studio?"Luke asks
Before I could explain, Julie shoves the cross into Alex and then takes it back out.
"Oh my gosh, how did you do that?" she asks.
"Their ghosts, Julie. Objects can go through them," I said.
"We're in a band called sunset curve," Reggie said.
Julie nudges me.
"Look that up,"she whispers.
I nodded and took out my phone.
"What is that? What are you doing?" Luke asked.
"It's my phone," I started to say but Julie cut me off.
"Stop talking to them, there's no such thing as cute ghosts," Julie said.
"Think we're cute?" Reggie asks her.
Alex tries to look over my shoulder.
"Who you calling?" he asked.
"She's googling sunset swerve," Julie said.
"Sunset curve," all 3 of them said.
"Whatever," she said
She turns to me.
"Did you find anything yet?" she asked.
I showed her my phone.
"There is a sunset curve. You died in 1995, when you were 17. It's now 2020," she said
"T-thats not possible. After we floated out of the ambulance we went into this dark room where Alex cried," Reggie said.
At least he knows how to lie. That, or he was really too far gone to know it wasn't an ambulance.
"I think we were all pretty upset," Alex said.
"But that was just for an hour, we just got here," Luke said.
"I'm just telling you what Rose's phone says,"
"Wait, Rose?" Luke asked
Luke's POV
"Wait, Rose?" I asked.
"How does he know you?" the girl asked Rose.
"Jules, I wasn't completely honest with you. I want to tell you but if I do and a word gets out that I did, I could get seriously hurt or you could get seriously hurt," Rose said.
"Or that she would have to make a sacrifice," Reggie added.
Rose glared at him.
"You're scaring me," the girl said.
"All I ask is for you to trust me," Rose said.
"I trust you," the girl said.
Rose looked down, upset.
"I see you four need to catch up, let me know if you need anything Rose," the girl said.
"I will," Rose said.
The girl was about to leave.
"Wait, we didn't catch your name," I said.
"It's Julie," she said.
"Cool. I'm Luke. by the way," I said. "And this is," I trailed off, pointing to reggie.
"I'm Reggie," he said.
"And," I trailed off, pointing to Alex.
"I'm Alex," he said.
"Tada," I said with jazz hands.
"This is all too weird," Julie said and left.
Rose's POV
"What was that about?" I asked Reggie
"Wait, she doesn't know you're a vampire?" Luke asked.
"No, it's too dangerous for her to know. I'm not gonna make the same mistake Edward did," I said
"So, why did you ask me if I ever was dying, if I wanted to be a vampire or a ghost?" Luke asked.
"Cause I would have turned you three," I said.
"Then why didn't you?" Alex asked.
"I was still a newborn vampire," I said.
"And you were scared that you wouldn't have been able to stop once you..... you know," Luke said.
"Yeah," I said.
"So, what exactly do you feed off of?" Alex asked changing the subject.
"I feed off of animals," I said.
"Wait, how can you see us?" Luke asked.
"Vampires and spirits are the same. They are both cold," I said.
I sat on the couch thinking. Do they forgive me for not turning them?
"I'm gonna go. I have school tomorrow," I said and walked away.

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